Chapter 26

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Back to the present

"And yeah that's what happened." Jason said.

"Huh....alright then.." Damian said before shrugging and looking away. "Wait but what about the stupid deal you made with that clown?" He ask

"I don't know. I didn't technically escape with him so it shouldn't count right?" Jason said.

"I don't think that's how deals with villains work but it's not my problem." Tim said.

"I'm sure B will catch him soon. So everything will be fine." Dick ensured.

"Whatever, I don't care." Jason said.

"What would you guys say about going to my place for dinner tonight?" Dick ask.

"No." Jason and Damian both said.

"Alfred will be there cooking~" Dick said with a smirk.

"Fine...maybe I'll go..." Damian mumbled.

"Oh hell yeah! I'm going now. I miss that old geezer and his cooking if I'm going to be honest." Jason said.

"Great! We'll be there soon." Dick said happily


Once they landed the jet they got in a car and headed straight to Dick's apartment.

Once they were there they went in to see Alfred already cooking in the kitchen.

"Hey old man, been awhile." Jason says.

"Hello, Master Jason it's good to see you young masters all together again." Alfred said as he continued to cook.

"Thanks for coming over Al and sorry for the small kitchen. I know the manor kitchen is bigger and easier to work in." Dick said.

"Oh it's no problem at all Master Dick." Alfred said.

"Bruce is not coming right? Cause I swear, I'm going to bre-" Jason started to say but was interrupted

"No, no. He's not coming and is not invited." Dick said.

"We saw what he said on the news. It was bullshit." Tim said.

Dick nodded in agreement, "language, there's a kid." He mumbled.

Damian rolled his eyes.

Jason seemed to want to say something but it was obvious he didn't want to say it in front of the kid.

Dick noticed, "uh Damian why don't you go help Alfred our in the kitchen."

Damian shrugged and nodded ok. He left to the kitchen.

The three older brothers walked away to the living room area.

"Whats up Jay?" Dick ask.

Jason sighed, "well I was thinking. I know Talia or Bruce are going to try and fight me in a legal battle or something to get Damian back. Or maybe just call the police this time, claiming I kidnapped him. I don't want that.....I like the kid....." Jason said

Tim started laughing

Dick smiled at his first younger brother and hugged him, "you have feelings~"

"Huh? What?! No I don't! I'm just saying!" Jason said. "And shut the fuck up replacement!"

"Haha....ok anyways, back to being serious, I think you will have to go through a legal battle anyways. You know what I think you should just do? Adopt him. He needs a father who truly cares and loves him.....sure if I'm going to be honest I think Bruce did for a bit know..." Dick said

"Adopt? Well ok here's the problem. I am way to young and too dangerous to be a father. I can't have a kid" Jason said

"And why not?" Dick ask

"....have you seen my life?" Jason said.

"He has a point. Dick you're old enough and don't have a criminal record. Why don't you adopt him." Tim suggest.

"Well yeah but-" Dick was suddenly cut off by Jason.

"Nope, mine." Jason said all of a sudden.

The other two looked to Jason in silence.

"....whaaat? Who said that?" Jason ask nervously acting's like he wasn't he one.

"Jason do you want to adopt Damian?" Dick ask

"Well yeah....but like I just said I don't think I can..." Jason said actually doubting himself.

Tim hit him right in the head.

"Ow! You wanna die replacement?!" Jason threatened

"Yes, but anyways I didn't like that Jason. Doubting on himself? Jason wouldn't do that. He would take the challenge not matter what." Tim said

Dick smiled at them.

Jason sighed and couldn't help but smile a bit, "fine. You guys win I'll adopt him."

The two boys cheered.

Damian soon came over to them, "Dinners ready." He said before walking away to the table.

Alfred had just finished placing the food plates down. He stood to the side and waited.

The three boys followed Damian and took a seat. They all looked to Alfred just standing on the side.

"Al, what are you doing? Come sit and eat with us." Dick said happily.

"Yeah! Come sit old man." Jason said.

"Please do" Damian mumbled.

Tim nodded.

Alfred smiled a bit and nodded ok. He sat down at the table with them and they all started eating together.

They ate together
Laughed together
Talked together
And spent time together
Like a real family

(Is it just me or some of that stuff was cringe 😬😂 eh oh well! Anyways sorry for the long wait, I'll start working on chapter 27 now, but question, it there anything specific you want to see in the next chapter?)

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