Chapter 13

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The next morning Damian found Jason looking through his bag. He growled and walked up behind the older man. "Todd! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He yelled

Jason jumped. He quickly turned to Damian, "Geez! Relax kid I'm just looking!"

Damian snatched his bag away, "well stop looking!"

"Ok, ok! I was just seeing if you had any other clothes you could wear. You don't so I was thinking we should go to the mall." Jason explains.

"That's not necessary." Damian says putting his bag down.

"Kid you don't have anything else to wear. Do you seriously want to wear the same outfit as last time forever? It needs to be washed. So don't say yes. We're going to the mall and that's final." Jason says

Damian rolled his eyes, "fine. I'm wearing this outfit to the mall though."

"Fine. When we get new clothes you better change." Jason says walking out of soon to be own room. He was staying in Jason's till Jason got a bed and stuff in the other room. Damian just left his bag in there for the meantime.

~A bit later~

The left the safe house and drove to the mall.

"Come on kid, pick up the paste. Your going slow." Jason says

"your the one speed walking Todd." Damian replied.

"I'm not speed walking. This is how I normally walk. You just have short legs so you take small steps." Jason says.

Damian kicked Jason in the back of the knee making him fall and land on one knee. "Hey!" Jason growled a little.

"Wasn't me. I have short legs, remember? Look how far away I am from you." Damian says with no emotion. He continued to walk.

Jason rolled his eyes and stood up. He then started walking beside Damian.

The two walk into the mall and Jason goes into a children's store.

"Todd these are for children." Damian says staring at the sign that literally said 'children's store'. ((Don't judge me...))

"You are a kid Damian. This store will definitely have your size." Jason says pushing Damian in. He goes over to the boys section and starts looking for clothes for Damian. Damian just stood there looking around from that spot. Jason grabbed a bright red shirt with a game controller and words the read, 'Gamer Life'. "What about this? Video games are awesome. Your a gamer boy right?" He ask

Damian stared at Jason for a few seconds before shaking his head, "video games rot your brain and plus why spend time playing a stupid game when you could be doing something more productive." He says.

Jason puts the shirt back and gave Damian a 'really?' look. "You sound like a mom or a loser adult." He mumbled before looking more.

Damian rolled his eyes and decided to look around thinking Jason wouldn't find anything good. He grabbed black skinny jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. He went up to Jason and showed him what he liked.

"Are you serious? Fine I'll get it but will you at least get bright colored clothing for once? Like a normal kid?" Jason ask taking the clothes Damian had.

Damian shrugged and walked away.


Jason and Damian were soon done. Jason was able to talk Damian into getting some clothes he wouldn't normally wear. He was even able to convince Damian to change into a outfit he'd never normally wear because it's too bright. He paid and left holding the bag in one and and Damian's hand in the other which Damian didn't take back.

After Jason and Damian went looking around. Jason bought some stuff for Damian, like video games, board and card games, books, movies, note books, sketching books, pens, pencils, markers, sharpies, and lots of other stuff. He was pretty much spoiling the kid.

After the shopping they decided to get some ice cream. Damian was staring at all the flavors, "this is ice cream?"

Jason nodded, "Yup"

"Why are there so many flavors?" Damian ask.

"Because why just have one flavor when you could have many." Jason answered.

"It's sugar isn't it? That's not good." Damian says.

"Stop thinking what your mother taught you. It's all lies. Sugar is good as long as you don't have too much." Jason says.

"...I don't know what to get." Damian mumbled.

Jason couldn't help but smile, "don't worry kid, I'll choose one you'll like." He says and walks up to the counter. "Two Cookies and cream." He said and paid.

They got their ice cream and sat down on a bench, eating their ice cream. "How is it?" Jason ask.

"It's good." Damian says.

"Alright great" Jason says and continues to lick his ice cream.

A few minutes later they finished their ice cream. "alright come on kid. I wanna take you somewhere fun." Jason says getting up. He takes all the bags in one hand. Damian gets up and lets Jason's other hand grab his.

"What could possibly fun here Todd. Its just stores and food here." Damian says

"You'll see" Jason says.

They went to the other side of the mall. It was attached to another building. As soon as they entered Jason's and Damian's eyes widened.

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