Chapter 16

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     Jason and Damian were currently in Damian's soon to be official room painting the walls to a dark red color.

"Hey how do you feel about going to a public school?" Jason ask.

"I don't need to go to school Todd." Damian said.

"It'll be helpful to learn some new stuff and maybe make some friends." Jason says.

"Nope." Damian said.

"Geez you sure like being homeschooled don't you?" Jason ask. Damian shrugs and nods. He chuckled, "well uh bad news kid. I'm not a good teacher."

"I'd rather not be rubbing shoulders with idiotic children." Damian says.

"If you want to get a normal job in the future you gotta go to school." Jason says.

"Who says I want a normal job?" Damian ask.

"Kid you gotta do something with your Damian identity." Jason says not wanting to say Damian's last name.

"I'll think about it." Damian mumbled.

Jason nodded ok.

It was silent for a few minutes.

"I like the color you chose." Jason says.

"Your the worst at small talk." Damian mumbled.

Jason shrugged and nodded. "Yeah. You know, I never thought I'd be painting a room for someone before. Thought I'd always live alone and not help someone with this kind of stuff."

"Well now it's happening." Damian says.

Another few minutes of silence.

Jason 'accidentally' splashed a bit of paint onto Damian's face.

Damian wiped it off with a finger and looked at it. He then looked to his brush dripping paint and swung it toward Jason not letting go of it. The paint from the brush landed on Jason. "Ops, my bad." He says and continued to paint.

"Oh that's how you want to play it huh?" Jason mumbled to himself. He grabbed one of the paint buckets and splashed most of it onto Damian. "Ops! My bad!" He says with a grin.

Damian grabbed another bucket and splashed Jason with paint. The two continued to splash each other with the paint that was left.

Jason threw paint towards Damian who quickly moved. The two then notice two people at the entrance of the room. It was Dick and Tim. The paint had splashed onto them. They were in their clothes.

".....hey....what the hell are you doing in my house?" Jason ask calmly.

"We rung and knocked on the door but no one answered. We could hear you guys though so we just let ourselves in." Dick says sighing.

"Why did you have to splash us on paint?" Tim asked a bit annoyed.

"Not my fault you two were splashed replacement." Jason says.

"....I call the shower!" Damian says running out of the room, pushing Dick and Tim out of the way.

"NO!" The three older boys shouted and ran after him. Damian obviously got there first and locked them out.

"Welp, I don't want to wait so I'm gonna go spray myself with a hose outside." Jason says walking away. Dick and Tim followed.


"Good thing I brought extra clothes, Huh Tim?" Dick says.

Tim nodded, "guess you were right. We were going to walk into something crazy"

"Ok hi. Now get out of my house" Jason says staring at the two with a glare.

"Uh....we're not in your house anymore. We're in my car" Dick said chuckling.

Jason looked around. He was indeed in the car in the front passenger seat. "Huh. So we are."

"Why do I have to sit next to this brat in the back?" Tim ask.

"Because Jason has the front seat and there's no other seats." Dick says. He started the car and started driving, "you two better not start fighting."

Damian rolled his eyes and looks out the window. "Where are we going?" He ask

"We're going out for brother time" Dick says

"Brother time?" Jason ask raising a eyebrow.

"Yeah! We get to spend the whole day together as brothers!" Dick says happily

"That sounds like an absolute nightmare." Damian commented

"I have to agree" Jason says.

"Aw come on guy. Trust me it'll be fun. We're going ice skating!" Dick says

Everyone else groaned and said fine.

Later they soon got to the ice ring. It was empty. Dick was able to rent it for a bit. They all changed into their ice skates. Dick was first out on the ice. "Come on guys!" He called.

Damian got up from his seat and walked into the ring. He then started skating once in the ice.

After Damian, Tim went, he wasn't the best at skating but he could keep his balance.

Jason however....didn't really know how to. He never skated before. He stepped out on the ice confidently, thinking it would be easy. But boy was he wrong.

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