Chaprer 27

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Damian slowly opened his eyes in the morning to feel a lot of weight on him. He wasn't actually sure what it was till he tried to get up. He looked down to see a arm gripping onto him. He raised a eyebrow and looked around him to see his brothers all leaning on him on the couch asleep.

He sighed, "Grayson let go of me at once! And all of you get off, you're unbelievably heavy!" He commanded.

A groan came from his left, Damian then suddenly had a finger in front of his mouth telling him to be quiet.

Damian growled a bit and bit it pretty hard.

Jason then jumped up pulling his finger back, "AH! What the hell demon spawn?! That hurt!"

"I don't care." Damian said getting up pushing the other two off.

Tim ended up falling on the floor cause he was on the arm of the couch, "ow! hey!" He said

"What was that for Dami?" Dick ask

"For using me as a fucking pillow." Damian said walking away to the kitchen.

"Ugh, what time is it?" Tim ask

Dick looked to the clock, "7:50."

"Yeeeaaahh......i'm going back to sleep." Jason said getting back on the couch.

Tim did the same, he needed his sleep for once.

Damian went off to the kitchen and looked for something to eat.

"Oh I wouldn't eat now. Alfred is coming over again, in a few minutes. He's making breakfast for us! Pancakes, your faaavvvoorrittee~" Dick said

Damian just nodded okay and went to sit in a chair in the living room. Dick joined him and they sat there watching t.v. while they waited.


Once Alfred arrived he started cooking, when he was about done the whole place smelled like pancakes. Which caused Jason and Tim to both jump awake and run to the table. Damian and Dick soon joined them.

Alfred was soon done and he sat the plates of food down for them. Alfred sat down his his cup of tea. Watching the boys gobble down on the pancakes.

Dick was first to stop eating and speak, "so Al, hows the manor?"

"It's quite quiet and empty without any of you boys around." Alfred answered

"Well duh, we're the life of the party....well except replacement." Jason said with a smirk.

Tim just shrugged and continued eating.

"How's father?" Damian ask

Jason imminently looked to Damian and to Alfred.

"He's been really busy with stuff...He's barley around anymore. I have to go searching for him sometimes when it's been so long since I've check on him." Alfred said

"Maybe we should pay him a visit sometime." Damian mumbled

Jason ended up choking on his food. He coughed it up and looked to the youngest bat. "are you serious kid?! You're just going back to him like that? He doesn't care that your gone! He probably just asking for you back so he can look like a stupid family man! Or he probably just wants a Robin again! But guess what you shouldn't be Robin! Being Robin is a death wish! He'll only replace you if you die! He could care less about any of us. And would you stop calling him father?! A father doesn't abuse or neglect a kid! don't give him the satisfaction of getting you back!"

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