Chapter 15

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Jason looked to Damian with a look that Damian wouldn't have expected him to have. Jason looked really worried. "I know that Damian but...." he stops for a moment and sighs. "I...don't know...I guess I was angry and worried and my body just atomically moved." He said with a small chuckle.

"Why do you look sad?" Damian ask.

Jason sighed, "you reminded me of me when I was younger. I'd get attack a lot and it would hurt a lot. So when I saw you I was so worried that I completely forgot you could handle yourself. I couldn't do that when I was a kid."

Damian was silent.

"Everything is ok now. So we're good, we're fine." Jason says.

"I guess I'm sor...." Damian starts to say but was interrupted by a car horn.

"Ops! Forgot we're in the middle of the road and I just stopped" Jason says with a small chuckle. He then started to drive again.

"Jason I have a question..." Damian says.

"Wow you called me by my first name. Must be important. Shoot." Jason says.

"Why are you so open telling me stuff like this about you? You never really tell anyone about yourself but you treat me different. You pretty much tell me everything now. Before you hated me and were annoyed with me. Also why are you treating me differently after you found me that day? Why are you doing all of this for me?" Damian ask

Jason sighed, "I don't really know how to answer that....I can start with telling you the truth that I never hated you, and I guess I changed my attitude towards you because you remind me a lot of myself and I realized that when I saw you outside sick and all alone. I also don't want you to grow up without a childhood like I did so I want to do everything I can to make you happy. Make you feel like a normal kid while your still a kid." He answers.

Damian remained silent for a bit before sighing, "well you shouldn't have to worry about me anymore. I'm ok and safe now after you found me. This is my childhood and I'm fine with it. But...thanks"

Jason nods and continued to drive

Author's words

((Hey everyone! I'm glad your enjoying the story! I thought there would only be a few people reading this but I was so wrong. Anyways sorry this chapter was short. I'll probably post another one right after this or in a bit. So don't worry! Also I'm sorry if it's getting boring. I'll spice it up at the right time!))

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