Stargazing -Dave Davies-

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My dear @ilovethebeatles101, I know you'll like this one. And I think I can safely say that it's the fluffiest thing I have ever written!

Sitting on the roof of the chalet, you waited for Dave to come up and join you. The sky was already dark and, lucky for you, there were no clouds in sight to bother your activities. If you were to look down, you would see the little path running from the front door of the chalet to the lake. And if you were to look at the lake, you would see the sky in it. The wind was nowhere to be found and left the surface of the water calm and unbothered, creating a sort of mirror.

Rain hadn't stopped pouring the last few days and had kept you and your boyfriend locked inside the nice little chalet he had rented for the week. You had arrived friday in the night and neither you or Dave put a foot outside until the next monday, when the rain let its last droplet fall to the ground at last.

Those days hadn't been completely lost though. You played chess (or at least tried your best, logic wasn't your forte) and read a lot. Dave figured out how to start a fire in the foyer so you could warm yourself up during the cold nights and you laughed a his failed attempts more than once. He had also tried to teach you the basics of guitar playing, but you weren't much patient and ended up abandoning after a few hours, complaining that your fingers hurt. That day, your boyfriend played and sang for you in front of the fire until you fell asleep.

But now that the sky was clear and dark enough, you could finally stargaze. It was the one thing you couldn't give up on this little trip and were scared of missing because of the rain. Not only was it one of the most romantic thing you could think of doing with Dave, but you had also never done it. Your parents didn't have the money to go out of the city much when you were young, so your nights were always enlightened by the lights of the street. You could have easily lived your life without stargazing once, but you were curious by nature and absolutely wanted to know what the sky looked like without all that pollution.

You had not yet looked at the sky above you. First because you wanted to wait for Dave, second because you wanted to savor this moment where you knew you'd finally have the answer to your question just in a few minutes. When you heard footsteps behind you, you turned your head to greet your boyfriend, wrapped in a blanket and holding two cups full of what was either hot chocolate or coffee.

"How did you manage to come up there with all of this?" you asked, pointing at his attire with a playful smile on your face. Dave chuckled before heading your way, handing you your cup and sitting beside you.

"A magician never reveals his secret does he?" he joked. You laughed with him and brought the cup to your lips. Just by the sweet smell you knew it was hot chocolate. And it was really good too. 

"You've got some sort of talent for making this," you said, raising your cup to show him. "how do you do it?"

A mischevious smile appeared on his face and you guessed his answer, telling it with him:

"A magician never reveals his secret!"

Both of you bursted out laughing again, only calming down after a minute or so. Moments like these where nothing needed to be serious were always pleasant. They made up for the ones where Dave was too stressed out from about anything to even give you a smile. But there was nothing here to ruin the night. His bandmates and brother were far away, there were no due dates lurking around the corner for any sort of project and there was not one single person, aside from you, to recognize him and ask for an autograph. In the absence of any form of society, you two were free to do about anything your hearts desired.

"Ready to watch those stars, love?" Dave asked as he opened the blanket to let you snuggle against him.

"Yes," you answered and he closed the blanket around you, hugging you at the same time. 

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