AN -2-

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Hi everyone!

I know usually I would've posted something on sunday (I had planned something for Brian Jones' birthday). I tried really hard to write, but you'll guess from the lack of post that I couldn't get a word out for the life of me. And that's what this AN is all about.

I realized that I simply wasn't motivated to write at all. That I had to push myself really hard just to write a few words (that I would erase seconds later because they sucked). And it got to the point where I procrastinated writing because I saw it as a task more than a fun thing to do in my free time. 

There's also a lot going on in my life and I don't have to explain it all, but it's hard and I need time to stop and cool down. That includes this book too.

Now I'm not saying I'm ending this book here. I'm not sure yet what I want to do with it. But the one thing I am sure of is that I'm taking a break. I'm hoping to find inspiration and the will to write again.

I don't know when I'm coming back. It might take a few weeks or a lot more, I don't know.

Until then, stay safe, be happy and rock on!

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