When he gets jealous -The Beatles-

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John Lennon :
John is a pretty jealous guy. Seeing you laughing and having fun with another person reminds him how easy he is to replace, even when you keep on telling him that you would never cheat on him and that you love him.
So it's easy for him to get a bit ruffled up when he sees you with someone else. Your boyfriend will come up to you and stick to your side until the event's over. Then, he'll soften up a bit and apologise for his behavior.

Paul McCartney :
He's pretty good at hiding his feelings, which can lead to quite strange situations. He could be boiling inside at the sight of another man flirting with you and still keep a cool expression. And the thing with Paul is that he likes to know that your his and only his, so those kind of situation often lead to him leaving hickeys on your neck where people can see. Seeing this, men will know not to try and chat you up.

Ringo Starr :
This man is rarely jealous. It might be because he likes to see the best in people and trusts you completely, or because he simply doesn't like feeling this way. Ringo won't stress over anyone coming up to you but doesn't mind intervening if they get too flirty. He'll politely tell the person you're with him. Then he'll give you kiss as a little reminder that he loves you.

George Harrison :
There's nothing that annoys this man more than people coming up to you and flirting. He won't waste anytime in telling them that you're taken and will drag you away from them. You're his and his only.
Usually, his behavior does get you both locked in a bedroom for a while as he reminds who who you're with.

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