AN -1-

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First of all : Hi! Are are all of you doing? I sincerely hope that you're doing good and that 2021 has been nicer than 2020 to you (even though the year just started).

I have made some decisions for this book. Not anything that should worry you, but I feel like you at least should be told.

First, I have decided that I would update every week from now on. I'll post a new imagine, preference, gif imagine or headcanon every sunday. Trying to update too often isn't useful and only brings more stress and makes it harder for me to write something at least decent. On top of that, I have school and I really need to focus on that because, well, it's my future isn't it?

Second, I am contemplating the idea of creating a classic rock hunger games in which our favorite band members of the 60/70s would be the contestants. Would that be something you like? Of course it would take some time to make and put together, but I think it would be fun to write. Though it wouldn't be as well written as the original Hunger Games, I think the idea is not a bad one. (lots of 'would' in there)

Third, you should know that I'll try my best to update every sunday, but I can't promise you that that's what's going to happen. With school (and a few other things going on in my life in general), I have quite a lot of things to think about and that might make me forget to update. Still, If it's not up on sunday, it should be on monday.

And just a quick update on what's coming in the next few weeks/month in terms of imagines/one shots:
- The second part of "Haunting Beauty" (Jimmy Page)
- The second part of "Outta Time" (The Rolling Stones)
- "Dedicated Follower of Fashion" (Mick Avory)
- "Just friends" (Paul McCartney)
- "It's all too much" (Jimmy Page)

That's all! It's nothing too important, I just wanted to let you know those few littles things.

Love you all,

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