How you met him -The Beatles-

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You were late, extremely late. Class had already started 15 minutes ago and, being the studious type, you were more than afraid of being put in detention for you unexplained abscence. But, sadly, your excuses and apologies did not save you from the sentence: you were held in detention after class for your lack of punctuality.

As everyone left their desks, you nervously toyed with your pen, biting the eraser at the end of it. Then, someone walked in. It was John Lennon and his friends. Must've been caught smoking again you thought. You had to admit John was quite charming, but you didn't like his attitude at all. Skipping class was certainly not a cool thing to do nor was drinking or smoking. Lennon was only hot, nothing more.

He made his way to the empty desk behind yours and his friends sat beside him. Great, right behind me. That's going to be awfully annoying... You simply sighed and picked up your book, hoping to drown the noise the others students and the boys behind you were making.

You didn't how much time had passed since you had began reading, but when your eyes left the pages, chairs were being pushed and people were getting up. You looked around, searching for a clock because you simply couldn't believe the whole two hours had passed already. Only John was still here, packing his things.

"Uuh, is it already over?" You asked, shyly.

"Yeah..." he said, " what are you reading? You seemed pretty entranced by it."

Excitement took over you as he asked about your book and you forgot why you didn't like him. Nobody ever asked about your books, sadly, and you always enjoyed talking about it.

"Lord of The Rings. It's soooo good! I can't put it down, litteraly, and I don't want to either."

The boy laughed at your enthusiasm and picked up the book on your desk. He read the back of it and looked at the front page before handing it back to you.

"Seems a bit difficult to read... is it?"

"No, not really. But my reading level is a bit more advanced than people my age. Plus, even if it was, it would just take a bit more time to read. The story is worth it"

And the conversation went on for about 20 more minutes. Both of you stood there, in the middle of the class, not bothering to even make your way out of there. Alas, at some point you had to get back home.

"I'm sorry John, but I've got to get back home. My dad won't be happy if I'm late"

"Well I'll walk you home if you want"

"Sure, but I thought you might get a bit bored of my endless rambling about books" You laughed, secretly hoping he'd say he liked hearing you speak about reading.

"Don't worry Y/N, you're not boring me. I like listening to you..."

You blushed at that. Lennon was a known heartbreaker but damn, he made you want to give him yours. Don't get too attached Y/N, you know how it's going to end if you do. You knew it could end badly if you were to catch feelings for him, but you were nowhere near this point and you didn't think it could happen.

So he walked you home and you talked about books and things like that the whole time. It was really nice and, for the first time, you didn't think of John as an annoying boy who just wanted to have his way with girls. When you arrived, you said your goodbyes.

"Bye Y/N, it was fun talking to you. See ya tomorrow!"

"Bye John, thank you for walking me home. See ya around"

The next day, as you passed by him in the hallway, he waved at you and showed you something he was holding: a copy of Lord of The Rings.

Making your way to the front of the stage, you shook off the nervous feeling. Having an angel's voice might have been a blessing, but it didn't make the anxiety go away. You loved being a singer, really, but it was difficult to deal with the fame. Interviews here, photoshoots there, you didn't have much time to be yourself. But, at the same time, you liked to be that famous Y/N on stage.

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