Haunting beauty -Jimmy Page-

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You didn't know how many years had passed since your murder, but you knew it had been many years since you had last seen a human, a live one. With no memories of your past life and no one to help you understand, it had taken quite a while for you to get the fact that you weren't with the livings anymore.

For decades you wandered aimlessly around the mansion you were haunting. There was nothing to do, no one to scare. That old thing had been empty for years and it was clear you would never get to haunt someone. Not that you really wanted to, but it was beginning to get a bit boring. You knew how many rooms there were, how many windows and how many doors. That place held no secrets to you. You were getting tired and frustrated of it all, you needed someone to haunt. Now.

And your prayers were heard. One day, four young men showed up in nice looking cars and with a few vans containing instruments. What were they doing here? The mantion wasn't a studio. But you wouldn't complain, boredom would soon be a thing of the past.

At first you really wanted to scare them away just for fun. It would've been quite easy too, seeing they were as messy as one could get and would often misplace things. You would've had no problem just moving things around and let them slowly realize there was something strange going on. And you thought about it, but the idea of going back to your eternal loneliness was too unpleasant. If you weren't going to scare them off, you'd have to help them. How? You didn't know, but surely there was a way.

After a while, you got to know a bit who they were. At first it was a bit difficult to know who was who. They all had nicknames. But you finally got the hang of it.

First, there was Robert. Or, as some would call him : Percy. With his curly blond mane that ressembled the sun and his permanent little smile, he was, to you at least, the definition of a greek god. Standing tall and proud, you wondered what he played in the band... until he began to sing. It was beautiful, magnificent even. You stood there for what seemed like hours listening to him and when the session ended, you had his lyrics stuck in your head.

Someone told me there's a girl out there

With love in her eyes and flowers in her hair

Whatever this song was called, it was one of the best you had ever heard.

Then there was John Paul Jones aka Jonesy. You actually thought his name was the latter, as everyone always ever called him that, but the papers he signed taught you otherwise. With his quiet behavior, your mind immediately went for the bass, and you were proven right when he picked the instrument up from it's stand at the first recording session. That man was quite an impressive player too, powerful basslines that could surely make someone's body tremble if the volume was high enough.

Of course, you knew he wasn't as angel-like as he seemed to be, but you had no reason to care more than that.

John Bonham was rowdy. It was no surprise he was the drummer. You wondered why they called him Bonzo for a while, but that's was before you heard him play. He smashed his drums like there was no tomorrow and you often found yourself worrying that he might break his drumsticks. Yet, he wasn't as destructive with others as he was with his intrument. John was always the nicest he could be to others, as far as you could see. It was quite wholesome to witness if you were being honest.

As for the guitarist, he had something a bit more curious about him. While you felt like their was a barrier between you and the other three, there was nothing like that around Jimmy Page. You were sure that, if you wanted to, you could interact with him without any problem. He was also the messiest of them all. On his room floor were scattered dirty clothes and pieces of paper. A well used pen was laying on his bedside table. It wasn't hard to see that he was a victim of insomnia and spent those hours writing songs or whatever went through his mind. These little things made it hard for you to pass him by, you wanted to know more, why was there no barrier around him?

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