What you do on Christmas day -The Monkees-

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Davy :
On the 24th, you spend the day baking cookies and preparing the dinner together, like an old married couple. Christmas music filling the air all day long as you and Davy sing along. It's fun because you don't often get the opportunity to spend so much time together. When everything is done, you eat while watching christmas movies. Only the next morning will you open the gifts you bought for each other.
Christmases with Davy are cozy.

Mike :
You get up early in the morning to open up the presents, but Mike likes to sleep. It usually takes you about five to ten minutes to get him out of bed and even then, it is as if he were a zombie. Though, when he sees how happy and excited you are, he gives you the cutest smile ever and goes with wathever you say. Plus, Mike would never turn down your tasty christmas breakfast you make every year.
Christmases with Mike are sweet.

Micky :
The two of you like to go out a lot and this day is the perfect excuse to go ice skating! You know how to skate, but he doesn't, and it's the funniest thing ever. You can't stop laughing at your boyfriend, who's struggling on the ice. As soon as you get home, you sit before the fireplace with some hot chocolate and cookies. You'll open the gifts later.
Christmases with Micky are jolly.

Peter :
Peter is always the first one awake one Christmas day. He wants to surprise you and make you breakfast. When you've both eaten, you do what every mature adult would do: you go to the park to have a snowball fight. By the time you've grown tired of it all, it's dark outside and it's time to go back home. Then you'll open the gifts and spend the rest of the night cuddling on the couch.
Christmases with Peter are sweet.

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