What you do on Halloween -The Beatles-

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John :
"John! We're going to be late if you don't hurry up a little!" You yelled from the bottom of the stairs, getting a bit impatient. John was getting ready, putting on his Mad Hatter costume you had prepared for him for the Halloween party you were going to and it was taking ages.

"We've still got plenty of time love and there's nothing wrong with being fashionably late." He retorted, finally coming down the stairs. As he made his way towards you, you took in his beautiful features. How handsome he was in his costume.

He must've quite like your Alice costume too, because as soon as he was close enough, John placed a hand on your waist and pulled you to him, sending you a little smirk. "Hmm, maybe we could stay here, you know, watch a movie or do... something else." He proposed. You knew what he meant and decided it would be funnier to tease him than to skip the party altogether.

"No no no, Johnny, we're going. I didn't dress up for nothing, nor did you." He pouted at that, giving you his best puppy eyes to try to change your mind, but it wouldn't work. You were determined to have some fun with him first.

Well you went to that Halloween party and maybe drank a bit more than necessary, but it was all worth it. When you got back home with your boyfriend, you had your own type of fun.

Paul :
This year, you wouldn't go trick-or-treating with Paul like you did each year. Both of you just wanted to stay at home to watch something. Anyway, it was raining so much outside it would've discouraged you from simply going out.

"Psycho or Rosemary's Baby?" Paul asked showing you the two movie options by waving them in your face.

"Erm, I'd say Rosemary's Baby" You answered, uncertainty showing in your voice. "But has is got to be a horror movie? Not that I'm afraid or anything, it's just that maybe it's would've been nice to watch The Wizard Of Oz again you know..." You rambled, blush creeping to your cheeks as you realized how much of a scaredy cat you were. Paul immediately noticed.

"Well... not that I don't like The Wizard Of Oz, but we've watched it a lot. And don't be scared, darling, I'll be right here with you and it's not that scary anyway, alright?" You nodded in defeat and took one of the blankets on the couch to hide behind when the movie would get to terrifying for your liking. Your boyfriend sat beside you and draped his arm around your small frame, bringing you into him a bit more.

Even though you didn't like horror movies, you were happy you were with Paul. He was the sweetest.

Ringo :
"Wait... what day are we Rings?" You asked, looking up from your book. It had been so long since you had last took a look at a calendar and you were a bit lost.

"Halloween love, I told you yesterday." He smiled, apparently amused by your terrible memory. "Is that so? Well, not like it makes any differences anyway, we never do anything for Halloween." You shrugged.

That was what this day was for you and Ringo. A day like any other, not that special or interesting.

"Say" Ringo inquired, after a few minutes of silence "We could go to the store and buy some candy, I feel like eating chocolate."

"Yeah sure, let me just finish this page and I'll go grab my coat."

George :
It always depended on the year. Sometimes you'd go to a party, sometimes you'd go trick-or-treating and sometimes you would stay at home to watch a movie or do absolutely nothing.

This year, you were trying something new. You'd bake a pumpkin pie with George. Well... you'd try, he wasn't that good with baking and you weren't a patient person when it came to teaching things to others.

"Now we need two eggs, you should be able to do this, right?" You asked your boyfriend playfully. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Come on, I'm not that bad! Let me show you how it's done." George said with all the confidence in the world. He picked up the first egg and, to crack it open, literally smashed it on the counter. Yolk and pieces of egg shell were everywhere on the ground and the surface. As you laughed your ass off, your boyfriend was shocked to see the damage he had done. He thought the eggs were a bit more hard than this.

"Oh my... Oh my god this is the funniest thing that has ever happened to me and that's saying something!" You managed to get out between laughs. George, a bit embarassed by his mistake, simply mumbled something before getting out of the kitchen.

Uuuugh this sucks! I feel like I can't write for shit these days and it's terribly annoying because I LOVE writing and I usually spend hours doing that! That's why this one sucks and "little things he does to show you his love" too. It feels like I've run out of inspiration. I hope I'll get it back soon because I'd hate to spend weeks without updating this book, I like publishing a new chapter, it makes me proud of what I've done.

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