When you're on your period -Queen-

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Brian May :
He tries to be the sweetest he can be. Brian doesn't always understand how annoying periods are and isn't the most patient with your mood swings, which sometimes leads to small fights between the two of you. But he's really trying, and the moment he knows you're on your period, your boyfriend will do everything in his power to make it the most bearable.

John Deacon :
He somehow just knows when you're on your period and is like your savior. Going to the supermarket to buy anything you need, doing your chores on top of his when your cramps get bad, John hates seeing you suffer and will do anything to avoid it. Little kisses to cheer you up every now and then.

Freddie Mercury :
Just like John, Freddie seems to guess when you're on your period and is a bit more careful to not bother you during this time. He brings you chocolate because he knows it puts a smile on your face and does his best to make you laugh as much as possible. He doesn't want you to spend too much time thinking about your predicament.

Roger Taylor :
Roger will listen to you complain all day long if it's what you want. He'll literally do anything you want if it makes you feel better during your period. And it's not just to shut you up, he genuinely thinks you deserve to be treated like a queen. Your boyfriend doesn't know a whole lot about periods, but from what you've told him, he gets that it really sucks and that you can't do anything about it.

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