Happy Birthday John

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Dear John Lennon,

Today is your birthday, you're turning 80. Well... you would have, if you were still with us. But it's easier to think that you still are and not that you're gone. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we hope you were still down here with us. It's always painful to think that the people we love have left and it's worst on days like these, when we celebrate their lives without them. But even tought it's hard not to feel sad, we should smile. After all, they do say that we shouldn't be sad because it's over but smile because it happened.

I only discovered you in january this year and yet, you already mean more to me than some people I've known for years

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I only discovered you in january this year and yet, you already mean more to me than some people I've known for years. I think it's because you did more for me in that short period of time than them in all thos years. You inspired me with Imagine. You made me laugh with I Am The Walrus. You made me cry with Across The Universe and you helped me get through things with Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Music became a big part of my life when I began listening to The Beatles and Queen.

 Music became a big part of my life when I began listening to The Beatles and Queen

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Two years ago, I went to New York on a school trip. We were walking through Central Park and I was looking around admiring the big city. But then we stopped. I couldn't really see why, there was nobody in front of us, nothing that should've stopped us. I made my way to the front of the group with my friend and that's when I saw it. The big circle on the ground with Imagine written on it at the center. There were flowers all around it and people were taking picture. It was beautiful, magnificent even. Nobody dared walking on it and we were all looking at it solemnly. I took one or two pictures and thanked you for all you had done for us before continuing the tour with the group. At the time, I didn't really think much about it because the trip in itself was quite overwhelming (I had never left the country before, it was my first time leaving Canada) but now, of all the things I've seen and done there, the one that I miss the most and want to see again is that commemorating circle with Imagine written in the middle : Strawberry Fields.

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