When he gets back from tour -The Who-

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He's always excited to see you again after months of being apart. It's all kisses and hugs until he falls asleep in your arms because the poor man is more than exhausted. The first few days of being back together make you act like a new couple, all lovey dovey, unable to let go of each other. Everytime he gets back from a tour, he'll drop his suitcases to welcome you in his arms as you throw youself in them.
"I've missed you so much..."

Roger doesn't talk much but his actions speak louder than words in this situation. Usually, his throat is sore from all the singing and he's getting tired of hearing his own voice. So he'll hold you instead, play with your hair and mumble a few 'I love you' here and there. But once Roger's voice is back, he'll tell you everything that happened during tour.
"God I love you"

Your boyfriend simply barges in, exclaming 'Honey, I'm home!'. Seeing you again after all this time makes him more excited than usual, and that's saying something. He'll spin you around in his arms until you beg him to stop, laughing, and peppers your face with kisses. When he's done tormenting you with all his physical affection, he'll tell everything he did on tour, all the pranks and the stupid deeds. You're lucky if you get the chance to place a word in, but it doesn't really matter, you're just happy to have him back in one piece.
"I've missed you sooo much! But I have GOT to tell you about..."

Except the usual 'I've missed you' and 'I love you', there aren't so many words said between you and your boyfriend when he gets back. You like to sit down in front of the television with something to eat and drink and spend the day/night there. Even though John likes having fun on tour with his bandmates, it's always a pleasure to go home and cool down. No big parties, no loud noises and no mischief from Keith. He can finally take a breather with you.
"I'm so tired love"

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