For Freddie Mercury

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I could spend hours sulking about the fact that he's gone. I could spend hours asking myself why him. But, to be honest, I already spend a lot of time doing that and I think that, for once, I should try and smile a bit about it.

I'm not saying I'm happy about his passing, of course not, it hurts me a lot like so many of us, but they do say this: don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. And I think whoever said this is right. We are lucky to have known him through his music, that might not be as much as we'd like, but it's better than nothing. And let's not lie to ourselves, we all know Freddie would rather see us celebrating his life than crying over his death.

Of course, I'm not saying you aren't allowed to cry, I think we all are going to at some point today. But you shouldn't stick on the sadness of it all, you should also remember all the good time spent with him through his music ('cause I don't think any of us have met him in person).

You should remember the first time you got into QUEEN, how fun it was to listen to this man's beautiful voice for the first time. It was cool, wasn't it? Realizing that he could make you feel good just with just a song. Think about it, that's a gift he gave you: his music.

And remember the first time you saw the I Want To Break Free video! Sure, he didn't write the song or have the idea of doing drag, but he still at least made you smile didn't he? Now, when you do chores, surely you think about it don't you?

Remember how much fun he seemed to have on stage and in general doing what he did. I'm sure he was happy to sing to hundreds of people. And he still does. When you put on your headphones or play a QUEEN album, when the radio plays one of their songs, he's singing to you and/or hundreds of people, like 45 years ago. He's doing what he loves.

Look back at Live Aid, at Wembley, at about every QUEEN concert ever. Remember how the crowd loved him and how he loved the crowd in return. The Ay-Ohs, the arm movement during Radio Ga Ga, even the stomp stomp clap for We Will Rock You. Freddie did what so many could never, he made the crowd a participate to their shows as if they were part of the band.

Freddie Mercury is a bloody legend, we all know it. You'll never meet someone who hasn't at least heard the name once. And there's a reason for that: he decided he'd be the most fabulous and extravagant person ever and he became just that. No one could rock a leotard like he did, no one could sing rock in booty shorts like he did in Montreal and still be taken seriously, but Freddie Mercury can.

It's hard to accept his passing. Freddie means a lot to us in many ways. But let's smile, alright? I don't think he'd like to see us sulk over it all.

Thank you Freddie, you did a lot for us and you still do with your music and legacy. You'll always amaze us with your voice and your beautiful smile. Even though this day is a quite sad one for a lot of us, we're happy we met you and we'll send you a smile from where we are.

 Even though this day is a quite sad one for a lot of us, we're happy we met you and we'll send you a smile from where we are

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