You've got a friend in me -Paul McCartney-

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Never in your life had you been more offended than at this exact moment. How dare he assume he was owed anything from this one ridiculously boring little date! And how dare he get hurt when you told him there was no way he would get anything from you! Was this man even aware of how bad his behavior had been during your rendez-vous? He had no excuse for making eyes at the waitresses at the restaurant, no excuse for making those terrible misogynistic jokes and most definitely no excuse for asking so many questions about your personal life even after you asked him to stop because it made you uncomfortable.

When the meals were finished and paid for, he blatantly asked you if you wanted to go to his place or if you'd rather go to yours. You were shocked, to say the least, and asked him to repeat himself, which he did after sighing at your 'inattention'.

"Uh, neither... I'd rather just go home on my own, thanks," you explained as politely as you could with your rage growing by the second. That was offending enough on it's own (and a bit embarrassing too), but he was of the kind who couldn't take no for an answer and got angered by your refusal.

"Oh so you're telling me that after all of this I'm supposed to simply go home and not get anything in return? What kind of bitch does that?"

By this point, you were aware that there was no use in trying the polite and nice way. If he couldn't take a simple no, then maybe a little anger would change his mind. Plus, you had no problem putting him back in his place after this disaster of a date.

"this kind of bitch," you said, pointing to yourself before taking your half empty glass of water and letting the content of it fall on his head. "You're not owed anything, and most certainly not after your horrible behavior tonight. You were obviously eyeing the waitresses, you made countless jokes about how women were only good to cook and have kids and never stopped your questions when I told you they made me uncomfortable. I don't know who you think you are, but I can tell you straight away that you're not worth the trouble."

The man looked at you with what ressembled fear in his eyes and pride filled your heart. As long as the feeling was there, you would savor it.

Picking up your coat and your hat to leave, you made two steps before you came back to add one last thing.

"And a little tip for your next date, don't ever assume you're owed sex afterwards. It's offensive, disgusting, and it's called being an entitled bitch. Got it?"

He nodded and you gave him a condescending smile in return before leaving for good this time. Now that your 'date' was over, you had the rest of the night to yourself. You didn't want to go back home right now and get bored after 30 minutes of sitting on the couch with a book in your hands though, you needed to find something to do.

That's when the sign of the pub seemed to lit up just in front of your eyes, like magic. Maybe a drink or two couldn't hurt, surely you could use some cheering up.

You pushed the door and made your way to the bar without paying much attention to your surroundings. After your disastrous date, it was sure you would blow your top at any guy trying to get in your pants. Anyway, with that seemingly everlasting frown plastered on your face, it was sure not one of them would try too.

As you drank the beer you had ordered, you let your eyes wonder around the small crowd. The band playing wasn't bad, but could've used a few more practices in your humble opinion. The drummer was having trouble keeping the beat and was making the band speed up their performance. When their last song finally ended, the singer snapped his head to his bandmate behind the drum set, and by the impatient expression he wore, the poor drummer coud be sure he would get reprimanded for his mistake. 

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