Outta time (1) ~???~

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Alright, so I thought I could write something including time travel. Now I know it could include The Beatles, The Rolling Stones or The Who and THAT'S when you all come in. Which band do you want this fic to feature? I'll write it with the band you've chosen.

You knew it would be a bad day when you woke up in an unknown bed, with someone you didn't know and dressed in clothes that were most definitely not yours. Had you been drinking last night? You didn't think so. yesterday was a wednesday and drinking on week nights wasn't something you usually did. Taking a look at the person sleeping besides you, you tried to remember the events of last night.

You must have stayed like this for a while, staring at the stranger, because time passed and before you could realize it, the man was waking up. He yawned and looked at you with adoration in his eyes, sending you a quite cute smile, you had to admit. But you couldn't focus on that for too long, there were too many other things going on in your head.

"Hey" He said in a raspy morning voice. "How are you love?"

"I-I'm fine... thanks" You stammered. Love? Were you supposed to know this man? For the love of god, what was going on!?

"You sure? You seem really weird... are you feeling alright?" He insisted, placing a hand on yours to try and reassure you. You jumped at the contact as if he had hit you and tried to regain your composure, to no avail. That made his brows furrow and he moved his hand from yours.

"Yes! Sorry I'm just a bit confused... I had a dream that seemed so real and it freaked me out." You lied, trying to sound honest. It apparently worked because the man's smile returned.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked, more curious than worried. You shook your head fervently. "No, anyway it's a bit blurry now. Mind if I go use the bathroom?" You said, to escape the extremely worrying situation you were in. He nodded and rolled on his back, letting you go. You got up and walked out of the room, now you just had to find that stupid bathroom.

It took you approximately five minutes to find it and you locked youself in the room as soon as you did. You had no plans of getting out of there anytime soon, too scared of what would follow. Sliding down the wall to sit on the ground, you burried your head in your hands, hoping you could maybe find a answer to all of your questions.

Where were you? You didn't know. This flat wasn't yours, or else you would have chosen things that didn't make the place look like it came straight from the 60s. As you were looking around for the bathroom, you saw an old TV set, like the ones in movies. And there was a record player on a small table next to it, with different vinyls, all from the 50s. Was the guy obsessed with vintage stuff? You also remembered walking past a window in the hallway and seeing really old cars on the street. At the moment it didn't seem like a big deal, but now that you thought about it again, it was indeed strange that everyone seemed to have an old car.

With all those things swirling in your mind, you didn't hear the knock on the door and the voice asking you if you were okay. You simply kept your eyes closed and took deep breath to try to calm down. Then there was bigger knocks on the door and you finally got up to open it. The man stood there, with the same worried face he had been wearing since he had woken up.

"Really, Y/N, you're scaring me! What's going on with you?" Your eyes widened at the use of your name. He knew you? Well he must if you woke up in the same bed but still, how come he knew you? You shrugged, trying to look as calm and unbothered as possible to not rise any more suspicion.

"Nothing I told you! I was just weirded out by that stupid dream." You said, a bit too on the defensive for it to sound perfectly natural. "Could you move out of the way please? I'll go back to the room and change."

He moved out of the doorway, letting you go through, but not before he kissed you on the cheek and told you he loved you. Thus spreading an uncomfortable feeling in your whole body. Still, you did your best to smile at him and walked back to the bedroom.

The wardrobe was filled with dresses you were sure you had never owned. They weren't ugly, quite the contrary, it's simply that you knew you had never bought any of these. Not wanting to look more suspicious, you decided to pick one of your favorite colour and changed quickly. Well, at least I look nice you thought as you looked at your reflection in the mirror. Apart from your hair, everything fitted the 60s.

You then heard water running in the bathroom. He was taking a shower. A wild thought ran through your head: running away while he was in there so you could find out what the hell was going on. Not knowing how much time you had before the stranger got out, you scurried to the front of the flat, looking for the door. You picked up a purse on a hook besides it before you finally escaped the place, letting out a sigh as the door closed behind.

You had never seen something like this. It wasn't your home, it wasn't your street, it wasn't your city for heaven's sake! It was like the sixties had come for you and were trying to take over your life. Panic slowly crept up to your head, reminding you that there was something horribly wrong going on. To ease the feeling, you picked up a newspaper on the ground besides a mailbox and what you read only worsened it.

June 26, 1965

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