His favorite thing about you -The Who-

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Your smile always makes his heart melt. He says birds sing and the sun shines the brightest when you do and is willing to punch anyone who says your smile is ugly.
"You know, dear, the world gets a bit better everytime you smile. What? Oh come on it's not THAT cheesy!"

He absolutely loves your hair. The way it falls on your shoulder, the way it draps over your pillow when you sleep, he can't get enough of it. Since Pete noticed you would lean into his hand when he played with your hair, he does it everytime he can.
"Your hair are so soft Y/N, I'd play with it all day... and by the looks of it, you'd like that very much."

He likes how calm you are in almost every situation. With the constant stress the band brings in his life, John loves to come home and hide in your infinitely calm bubble.
"Can you come and cuddle a little? I've had a rough day and I just want to hug you for eternity."

Your sense of humor is what made him fall in love with you. He knows most people find him a bit 'too much' but you never seem to see him that way. Keith feels like life is much more fun around you.
"Thank you for having a sense of humor, love. Hearing you laugh at my jokes makes life much more better."

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