Their reaction to your coming out -Queen-

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He knows it takes a lot of courage to come out and is really proud of you and supportive. Freddie was the first one you told because you knew it was safe to come out to him and the answer you got was a big tight hug.
"Oh I'm so happy for you! And I'm so happy you felt safe enough to tell me!"

It takes him by surprise but he's still more than happy for you. John thinks there's no rule to love and he's just really excited to meet your new partner when the time comes. 
"I'm really happy you felt safe enough to tell me Y/N, and I'm excited to meet your new partner some day."

Of course, he's happy for you, proud and supportive. But he's also got some questions. Brian is a curious lad and has never been told much about the LGBTQIA+ community, so he wants to know what to do and not to do to be the best ally he can be.
"If you're happy then I'm happy Y/N, you can love whoever you want... even Roger, but then I'd tell you you can do better."

Like the others, Roger is very happy for you and is super supportive. He swore to you that no one would ever bother you for it and that he wouldn't hesitate to punch them if they did.
"If anyone bothers you, I'll knock their teeth out. Love is love no matter what and people who can't accept that are cowards."

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