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No matter what happens, we'll always have your back." Jax smiled, and Demian returned it, brighter than ever.

"I'll be fine Arlo, I swear to fucking God, I'm not a kid." You stood outside with the reins of your horse in your hand. It had been ecstatic too see you again, licking your hand affectionately and jumping around in its box when you first showed up. It took surprisingly long for the soldier in charge of the animals to calm the horse down.

Meanwhile Arlo was currently babying you, acting like you were going out to fight a war with your current injuries. Most had healed pretty decently in the last week, although those had been mostly surface wounds. The cut on your back was still quite annoying, although not too painful, and the cut on your shoulder had turned out to be less deep than expected and had started to heal really quickly the last days.

"She'll be fine, we're just going out with the girls." Akame laughed as she brushed Arlo's concern off. Her own horse had started to eat some of the grass that had grown between the stones on the ground.

"But what if anything happens?!" Arlo continued, "all my hard work can't go to waste because she wants to go out! Can't you two pick it up for her?"

Even Luca was looking at Arlo with a raised eyebrow and a small smile on his face in amusement.

"If anything happens, we have Lillian with us. Can you please stop worrying?" Akame continued as she climbed on her horse, Lillian chuckling as she did the same.

You followed their lead, getting on your horse as you gave a small wave to Levi as you turned around and started leading your horse away.

You heard Luca talk to Arlo, who's voice was still bickering on about you.

"I swear, I don't think I've every understood what goes through that guy's head." You spoke up as you sighed.

Lillian chuckled, "he'll be fine. Besides, we're all armed so if anything were to happen I'd say that we'd be fine." Akame laughed at her statement, "you get used to it, besides he has worse mood swings than a pregnant woman, it's insane."

All of you laughed as your horses calmly walked along. You were going out to pick up your leather sheaths you ordered before leaving on the expedition, and the three of you decided to make a girl's day out of it. Despite having never done it before, you'd just see what you were gonna do.

The three had hung out privately before but had never gone out to shop here, and back in your time it wouldn't even have been an option.

After a while the three of you arrived in the town, and you started by doing the necessities, walking into the store where you had ordered.

The man looked at you come in with the two females following you. You had tied up your horse outside like last time, the animal just as unimpressed as it was last time.

You didn't even have to say anything for the face of the man to light up, despite his downturned eyes that made him look somewhat sad he wore a happy expression on his face.

"We're so glad to see you again! Honey!" The man called over his wife, who poked her head out of a side door, her blonde hair having grown till her shoulders. Her green eyes lit up at the sight of you. You hear the dropping of metal before she stepped out of the door.

"Oh I'm so happy to see you're alright, we were so worried something happened when we didn't see you return! We watched the entire line of soldiers but couldn't catch sight of you." The curls in her hair were now more visible despite the fact that it was messily pinned backwards. You didn't have to look behind you to know the amused smiles that were on your companions faces.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now