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A/n: this is what Akame looks like, I usually don't draw guns so please pardon any mistakes. Of the course of the next chapters other members of the team will be featured.

This art belongs to me, please do not steal Akame's character or this art.

Hell was about to break loose.


Levi and you stepped inside the hallway, blades ready to slice anything that came close enough or be thrown at anyone that wasn't. Orders could be heard, being yelled from somewhere you couldn't see.

The corridor didn't have any doors until it split in two at the end of it, one side going left and presumably with doors leading to the rooms on the other side of the wall. You motioned for Levi to the the left side as you took the right, but not before handing him your handgun from it's holster.

"I have the feeling you will need this more than I will." You said, as you handed it to him, "have you ever shot a revolver?" He was about to object but when he saw the look in your eyes he decided against it.

"Yes I have."

"Good, this is like that, keep track of the amount of bullets you have left, once it's out just take a gun from the nearest corpse." You silenced your step as the two of you approached the split in the hallway. It was unknown if there were men waiting around the corner to shoot you in the head.

You couldn't risk taking a peek so you resorted to listening if they made any noise.

Thankfully you couldn't hear anything, so you turned around the corner, in sync with Levi as you faced the right side and he turned to the left. He held the gun ready to fire, and you had your blades ready.

As you had expected, this corridor had doors on both sides, leading to rooms where you could hear people presumably arm themselves.

The first door slammed open as you stood beside it, startling you. However the men didn't expect you to stand this close and were caught of guard as they came face to face with your blade, finishing off the first few within seconds. From behind you could hear another smack and you could only assume Levi found his own attackers.

You stormed into the room as the opportunity came by, immediately being attacked by two other individuals. One of them engaged physically while the other kept his gun pointed at you from the other side of the room.

The female in front of you had long black hair, wielding the dagger in her hand with practiced ease as she inched closer.

You let your body fall to the ground as you kicked in her kneecap, not even wincing at the sickening crack that could be heard.

Immediately after you shot your hooks to the individual on the other side of the room, the male was young, probably your age as the hooks from your gear clammed around his hands. You ran closer at the disarmed individual and slit his throat, turning his body as the woman on the ground raised her handgun to shoot you.

You used her colleague as a meat shield, you had hoped she would've fainted from the pain, but somehow she was still conscious as she laid on the ground, her leg twisted in a unnatural position.

You dropped the male body as you sped towards the female on the ground and swiftly stabbed the blade through her chest. You grabbed the revolver from her hands as you put it in your holster. It was still hot from the shot.

You were about to head to the the hallway again, until you heard multiple footsteps approach the door you stood behind, you moved to the side, blades ready until you heard a couple of quick gunshots, rapidly fired.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now