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If only he had known this earlier, or when he was in the forest still.


You stood within the darkness, what seemed like a void surrounded you as you looked around, walking in a random direction.

In the distance you heard a noise, it became louder and louder as you stood still, looking around for the source as you could make out childrens laughter and voices.

A light seemed to come and as you turned you stood amidst the mess off what seemed like a small classroom with around 6 children and 2 adults.

The kids were around five or six, only a half a year away max from facing the sins of the world, a cocoon of blissful ignorance.

"Nan! Can I bring peace into the world later! I want to be a hero too!" You got startled as you turned to a small child with a mess of h/c coloured hair atop her head. She held the book in front of the lady's face, who plastered a bright smile on her face.

"Really? I'm sure you'll be the best hero out there then." She ruffled the hair of that child. The brightness in the kids eyes startled you, you remembered this too well.

Had she known the blatant lies she told you? The lies everyone had grown up with. When you started training they told you that the training period would be the worst, and what else could you do except believe them. Everyone held on to the hope that the worst period would pass eventually.

That hope would be shattered once they came into the later stages of their training. Everyone knew how wrong it was, but no one voiced their opinions. Too afraid of waking up in the middle of the night with a gun to their face.

It wasn't legal, nothing they were doing was legal, but at this point no one could do anything about it. There was no one left to defend what was legal and what wasn't.

The scene faded away into the darkness as you saw your nanny cup your cheek affectionately.

Screams sounded from behind and you startled you turned around once more.

You stood on some sort of courtyard beside the facility you had learned to call home. It was filled with students of every year, but a small, stubborn little kid with e/c coloured eyes got tugged by her hair to the middle of the open space among the students.

You knew this scene too well, desperately you looked around the crowd to see some kind of resistance, hoping, no praying that someone would do something, anything to stop what you knew would happen.

It remained silent.

The only sound heard were the screams of the kid, her hair was a mess, matt and tangled with dirt in between. Her eyes glossy and tears brimmed her eyes as she screamed out.

Some students watched with pride, others with regret and sympathy and others couldn't bare the view, you could even see some look satisfied or happy among the students.

They ripped her shirt off, and instinctively your hand reached for your back, the silver scars hurting under the burning touch of your fingertips.

You screamed in sink with the little girl, feeling as if your vocal chords were being torn apart. Phantom pain covered your back as it felt like it was on fire. Tears streamed over your face as you fell to the ground, eyes clenched shut as your hand pounded on the stone floor until they bled.

Eventually the screams died down, the pain disappeared, and your hands healed, allowing you to slowly sit up as the tears evaporated off your face like magic.

You hoped this would be over, there was nothing more than that you could do.

When you opened your eyes you sat on the soft carpeted floor of a dark hallway. Immediately you recognized this as one of the hallways where a bunch of the higher ups were. You assumed you were a bit older than the last memory.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant