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Hanji was about to approach you before she got pulled away by Mike, who sent you somewhat of an apologetic smile. Erwin headed off soon after, leaving you alone with Levi.


The two of you sat in comfortable silence, neither of you feeling the need to break it. You returned to your position on the desk, hopping on it and shifting so you could lean against the wall beside it.

After a short while you broke the silence, "sometimes I wonder what would've happened if we never got send to those mountains."

Levi watched you as he leaned against the opposite wall, you just stared at the ceiling, "tch, what do you think would've happened?"

"We'd be dying, if not dead already." You breathed the sentence out as if it was the most normal thing on earth.

Silence once more consumed the room you stood in, "y'know, there were two others, not my team but close friends. You would've hated both of them." You laughed as you remembered the two adults, although you often refused to believe the two males were adults mentally.

"And why is that?" Levi asked as a genuine smile settled upon your face as you met his gaze, "Arlo, the younger one, is similar to Hanji. I bet the two would get along great to be honest."

Levi cringed internally at the thought of another Hanji running around through HQ, "you might be right then, I would not like that." Once more you laughed, Levi couldn't help but feel warm inside at the sound of it.

"What about the other one?" Levi asked, the tone of his voice curious, very different than what you usually heard from him.

"Luca," you stopped for a second to think of the best way to describe him, "he's our Commander, although he's strong, he's also really strategic and smart. He's more of a older brother to me than anything else to be honest, we grew up together for the most part." You finished as you recalled the countless memories you had with him.

Levi nodded thoughtfully, he didn't dare to show the slight relief that he felt when you said that he was nothing more than a brother to you.

"So what is your story?" You spoke up as you held his iron gaze, "you promised you'd tell me after we got out of the underground."

Levi clicked his tongue, "I don't remember such thing brat." You glared at him as he broke your eye contact.

After a second of silence he started talking, explaining how he grew up in the underground. He kept it short, explaining how he was an orphan and survived on the street with two friends by stealing. He told you of how he was forced to join the army back then, and he explained how Farlan and Isabel died.

When he met your eyes he didn't see the apologetic and pitying gaze he expected. Instead he looked at a understanding and accepting face as you nodded along to his story.

"Life sure sucks." You concluded at the end, no edge of sarcasm in your voice, you were just stating the conclusion you both had reached a long time ago.

A small smile graced his lips at your statement, allowing you to take in this rare sight you could feel your heartbeat pick up speed at the sight.

You hopped of the desk, walking over to him and playfully offering him your arm, "would you mind it if I joined you while you work through those papers that I know are still on your desk?"

He clicked his tongue as he rolled his eyes, bumping you to the side as he passed through the door. You just laughed as you followed him, engaging in small chit chat with him on the way to your offices.

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