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"In that case, yes I am the cause of his current physical state." Levi raised an eyebrow at you as you shrugged your shoulders, "I mean the man was literally about to retire."


Demian only sighed, "why does this make more sense than the gossip that spread through the ranks?"

You raised your eyebrow at the male, "there was gossip about it through the ranks?"

"Not even a little! There was lots, each story telling a different tale." Jax said loudly as you chuckled, "I shouldn't have been surprised, especially after that old geezer went on to tell everyone it happened on the battlefield."

"You weren't in the troops then?" Petra asked you as you shook your head,

"The day after that happened I scouted my team and became a squad leader. There you couldn't work your way up the ladder, at least only to an extend." Eld nodded along in understanding, he seemed pretty intrigued in the way your world worked.

"So why were you all 'part of the troops' then?" He turned to your group, Akame answering the question collectively.

"We were still in training then, we weren't her first team," she turned to you with a little smile, "we also had a couple of years of experience before joining the squad."

Eld nodded along thoughtfully as you nodded, the question that hung in the air was obvious, 'what happened to your past team' but thankfully no one asked. You weren't about to go down that rabbit hole today. Anyone that didn't know already could puzzle together that they hadn't made it.

A signal came from the kitchen that dinner was ready, and you all collectively stood up to get yourself a plate.

Soon enough everyone was seated back at the table, eating comfortably with each other while conversing.

Dinner continued like that, and you could feel yourself growing closer with Levi's squad.

When everyone was finished your little group continued talking, your squad each with a cup of coffee and Levi, together with some of his squad members had a cup of tea in front of them.

Currently Eld, Gunter, Demian and Jax were conversing about some of the weapons you had taken with you, and Lillian, Akame, Petra and Olou were talking about different seasons and how different they are here.

You listened along together with Levi, occasionally sipping the hot liquid in front of you.

Eventually your little group broke apart, it had become late without any of you realizing. You joined Levi as the two of you walked back to his office, "how about we finish those last papers and then head in?" You proposed as you reached your office doors.

Levi stayed silent so you continued, "it's faster to do it together, and if my eyes aren't fooling me the bags under your eyes tell me that you can use the sleep."

After a couple of seconds he spent in thought he clicked his tongue, nodding simply at you in response, "fine." He rolled his eyes as you smirked and walked to his office door.

Levi and you stayed up for another couple of hours slaving away through the paper forest. When you were finally finished you stood up, happy you managed to finish it all.

"Fucking finally!" Levi raised his eyebrow as he watched you, although he had to admit he was glad he managed to finish his paperwork today.

"This is it then? No more cadets bringing in fresh stacks from browstache?" You sighed, this had happened a couple of times throughout the time you helped Levi and each time another string of curse words left your mouth at the sight.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now