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Levi opened his mouth to say something but before he got the chance the door flew open and I stepped Erwin McBushybrows, Lillian, Akame and Jax.


Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance, and Y/n turned around, facing her commander. "What?" She said as she stared at him.

"What do you plan on doing?" His calm but stern voice filled the small windowless room. He had a naturally loud voice, much unlike Y/n.

"Nothing in this room is your business Erwin." Her annoyed voice didn't overpower the males but her tone demanded respect. The commander was taken aback by her lack of sarcastic nickname but hid his surprise well.

"Nah I'd prefer it if it became his business."  A female voice sarcastically said with all the glory of her broken English and strong Korean accent.

Y/n sighed in annoyance as she pulled a throwing knife from her belt and threw it at the tied up female. Y/n's eyes never leaving the stare down with her superior. It landed a couple of centimeters from Sayin's face, she didn't make sound of surprise unlike Erwin that let out a loud gasp, as his blue eyes followed the knife. He was about to raise his voice but was cut off.

"You missed y'know."

Y/n now finally turned to her, "I won't next time." She sighed as she stretched lazily. Turning back to the group of people that had made their way in.

"Oh how scary! This is really a high pressure situation, oh how scared I am as a poor damse-"

"Akame" Y/n groaned out at the whine, trusting her friend to take care of it.

The ravenette moved forwards to the tied up figure and grabbed a stray piece of cloth from the table.

She roughly forced Sayin's mouth open and gagged her with the cloth, effectively shutting her up.

"Erwin, shall we take this to the office?"

The tall male nodded his head while looking exhausted.

Within a few minutes Y/n and Erwin stood in his office, Erwin moving back to sit behind his desk.

"I'm not aware what you were about to do there but we can't afford that she dies." Erwin stated matter-of-factly, and somehow that just set the female in front of him off.

"Well that wasn't something I planned on doing! You honestly thought that I wouldn't think that?!" She yelled as she angrily moved her arms around to empower her words. Erwin's calm demeanor just didn't sit right with her.

"I never said that, I recommend you calm down."

"I REFUSE to sit back while one of MY teammates is out there! I won't leave anyone behind!" She screamed at the male in front of her. The stress catching up to her exhausted brain, and finally taking its toll on her broken body as well.

Ever since she her training years she had to live in a world where the smallest mistake would cost her own life and the life from the people around her. She had to live with the mistakes she made without being able to change her fate, their fate.

"I never asked for you to give up on anyone Y/n. I am just asking for you to handle this in a civilized manner. We will find him with time."

The tears were now streaming down her face, etching their way over the curves on her face, "you don't realize do you? We don't have time! They won't kill him! They will break him... Mentally, physically, any way they get, they will break him! Until nothing is left.. damn it!" She punched a wall close to her in frustration.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now