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When you awoke in the early morning you felt the direct sun on your face for the first time in what felt like ages, although it had only been a week and a couple of days.

You've had plenty of time to think about your predicament and come up with a plan.

Your best bet was to finish the fight before it started, trying to finish her before she could transform. After all the patch of metal on her nape was still in your way.

If that wouldn't happen, and that chance was pretty large, then you'd probably have the largest chance of surviving by destroying the reservoirs of the blue liquid and cutting through the wires.

The remnants of 3DMG left behind by your comrades had allowed you to refill your sheaths with blades, and you still had some grenades left to do some of the major damage.

Your backpack carried food and your water bottle was filled. You were ready to continue the hunt.

After a short breakfast you set off. Following the markings in the tree to catch up with your target. Your trained eyes carefully spotting one mark after the other until it became a second nature.

The gas canisters were still surprisingly full thanks to your idea of carrying a second set in your backpack. You expected that your companion in this forest wasn't doing as well, judging from the amount of gas you spent already.

You were quicker in catching up to her than she was leaving her trail, although she still had a week's head start.

So it continued for two more days. You filled your supplies when you could, only granting yourself the comfort of a camp fire when you needed to cook food so you could package it up and store it in your backpack for later.

The amount of food you had made sure you had to go hunting relatively often, but you knew you'd have to be in a good physical state to win this fight.

At the end of the second day you knew you were catching up quickly. You estimated maybe half a day before you'd be caught up, so you slept early that night, making sure you'd be well rested for the fight ahead.

The past week of constant pressure and stress had left you mentally exhausted. The continuous uncomfortable ground to sleep on didn't help your physical state either although you pulled through with it.

Your estimation had been slightly off. In the morning you could hear the distant zipping noise of 3DMG. Apparently you had been closer than you expected.

First you travelled up, she probably couldn't hear the noise of your gear over her own and you still had the element of surprise going for you. You were going to make as much use of that as you could.

You followed her from above, and soon she entered your sight. Deciding this place was as best as the next, you started phase 1 of your plan.

Using just a little bit more gas than usual to propel yourself forward even harder you allowed yourself to dive through the maze of branches and leaves that had started to turn colorful because of the season.

Jieun's first sign of surprise was when she had seen a hook appear in a tree a couple of meters from her position. Only then did she realize the sound of a second pair of 3DMG besides her own.

For less than a second she froze in shock. Barely in time to move out of the way of your deadly blades.

She had been the one hunting you, and although she knew you were searching for her too she never expected to become the prey, your prey.

You swiftly dodged the swing of her blades she hastily threw your way in surprise. Following the wires of your gear you swung through the air, releasing the hooks in your highest point and using the speed and momentum to turn in the air and shoot off the wires again to go in for another attack.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now