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The rest of the day and night was uneventful, although you were glad the bleach scent had gone away while you were training so you could easily fall asleep once more.


The order of the events that were supposed to happen changed, you'd first go to the assembly for the new recruits and afterwards you'd have a month to prepare for the expedition.

You made your team train nearly every day with Levi's, by now they didn't even need to speak as they attacked the titan dummies coordinately. As their bond thickened, so did yours with Levi. A mere look was enough to communicate, at least in battle, and you two focused more time and effort in fighting with instead of against one another.

There were hiccups along the way though, for example a picnic outside after one of Hanji's experiments on Eren turned sour relatively quickly.

You had to admit that despite your expectations, you had taken a slight liking towards the young brown haired boy. He was determined and had gone through more than kids his age should've, you had multiple good conversations with him as he talked about his friends.

He was ecstatic to see some of them at the assembly again, although he wasn't sure how many would join the wings of freedom.

Lillian had spent large chunks of her free time with Demian as they managed to free enough earpieces out of shirt hems for the upcoming expedition. It was up to you who would get one and after a short while you decided. Your squad was used to them anyway and already had their own so they would keep them, Levi, Erwin, Hanji and Mike would also receive one.

An afternoon was needed to explain the way they worked to the others but at the end everyone managed to get the hang of it.

You decided that after the expedition you would travel back to the underground with Levi, who agreed with it.

Life seemed to continue like normal, you still helped Levi with his paperwork when you could, and you grew closer with most squad leaders and even Erwin came to you after awhile to talk. You knew you could trust him now which you felt like you couldn't before.

Although you didn't want to admit it, Levi's squad became almost like a second family to you, Petra was like a little sister and Gunter and Eld like little brothers. Olou was still somewhat annoying to you but you figured it would be too silent without him.

Even though this happened everyone still viewed you like a superior, thankfully enough, following your orders when you gave them flawlessly.

Around a week before the next expedition you stood in Erwin's office, together with Levi, Hanji, and Mike.

"So we're gonna be lying to a bunch of kids?" You concluded as you stood against one of the bookcases that adorned about every wall.

Erwin looked at you sternly as you continued, "why are we even doing it in the first place? Shouldn't they know what the plan is which they're part of?"

"You may not know this Y/n but before you arrived here we caught two titans where Hanji experimented on." Erwin begun as he clasped his hands together, "one night they were killed by a cadet, for which 3DMG must've been used although none of their gears has been used recently when they checked." You nodded in response, starting to catch his train of thought.

"You think it was someone in here that wants to work against us?" Erwin nodded as you lowered your voice.

"And you expect they may target Eren next?" You continued as he once more nodded along. You sighed desperately, "so this is a test run. If there is an enemy out there they'll show up now so you won't be surprised by the actual go for the basement?"

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