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Sorry for the long wait, this book gained more popularity than I ever imagined at the start. Thank you all for being here. Here is the long awaited chapter.

Warning: blood, gore

They fired themselves up, towards my suspended form in the air. I had to think what to do but to be quite fair, I started panicking.

I don't have the years of experience they seem to have with This stupid gear and I'd hate for this to be the death of me.

Once they started to close in I released the hooks, dropping down. As I was falling I heard them following behind me, closer than I'd like.

3Th person POV

The h/c haired female fired away in a weird zig-zagging motion to avoid being fired at, she didn't know however that the guns they were holding had ran out of ammo after the first few months of their arrival.

The only thing this seemed to result in was that her attackers who already seemed close, only started to gain distance.

The adrenaline dose in the female skyrocketed as she started to pant slightly. Her head occupied with different strategies. She had to do what she was best at, survive.

Y/n shot herself up in the air, gaining speed as she did and threw three of the precious amount of knives on her towards the three figures. One of them slowed down as it ripped the knife out of its shoulder.

Thoughts were racing through her mind as she tried to find her way in the maze of dark alley systems.

The stunt she had pulled hadn't had as much effect as she'd hoped for, and it had cost her a lot of precious time.

The figure closest to her managed to grab her foot when it barely came into reach. Making her stumble the small amount of balance she had in the air.

Y/n fell down into the ground with a loud thud, a pained hiss escaping her as she crouched and shot away again, gaining a little more distance on her attackers. She managed to land on the edge of a wall and ran along it, knowing that her gas supply wasn't exactly infinite.


"Why are we doing this again? We can barely see anything."

"She's your shitty leader, so its your responsibility to find her."

"No I'm aware of that but why are you here? You hate her right? Isn't it better like this then?" Akames bright eyes accusingly stared at the shorter male.

"She's technically still serving a sentence, plus she's the second shitty brat out of your team that disappeared." Jax sighed at the bickering of the two, it had been going on ever since they left HQ. It seemed that if their captain wasn't there to pester the short man, Akame would fill her place. Now they were about to reach the alley system of the town, as it was most likely for her to have gotten lost there, to search for the missing female.

"Can't you both please shut it, if there's any sound indicator of where either of them is we can't hear it over you two." Jax finally spoke up, seeming quite irritated.

"I'll shut up if he does." Akame said as she stuck out her tongue towards her higher up.

Levi clicked his tongue as a irritated response, Jax had to stifle a laugh at their behavior. He could've sworn he saw Levi's horse roll his eyes.


Y/n, she knew well she couldn't keep this up for much longer. Her best bet was to shake them off but damn did it prove to be a challenge. She pulled out a knife, this could prove to be her death or her escape.

This time there wouldn't be a in between,

She fired up the speed, firing herself up in the air as she spun around in the air, turning 180 degrees.

She slipped underneath one of her attackers as she cut away on one of the attackers leg she passed in the meantime.

She managed to surprise them, luckily and unknowingly hit the already injured person, rendering them unable to continue the cat and mouse hunt. She however didn't notice how they cursed and slipped out an old looking, working, revolver until she heard the loud bang and felt the sting in the back of her thigh.

She yelled out in surprise and pain, and barely managed to keep her fragile balance in the air. This was one of the few times she didn't carry at least a handgun on her, thinking that this time no one had some sort of gun anyway.

The adrenaline was tuning out the pain while making it more intense in a weird manner, with her current heartbeat she knew that this could be her downfall. Blood loss would soon catch up with her, wether she wanted or not.

Meanwhile (sorry for the continuous switching)

"Hold up, did you hear that?" Akame sprung up from her seemingly sleeping state in her saddle. She was about to bark a response back at Levi until she realized that, yes, they did just hear a scream.

"You have to be kidding me... is she again stabbing people in alleys! That fucking brat is giving me a deja vu." Levi sighed as he started speeding his horse into the direction of the sound, efficiently maneuvering his way through the alley system.

Within 5 minutes they saw a silhouette standing on a roof, two 3DMG blades in their hand. Opposite of the figure stood two others, both with raised weapons as well.

Y/n panted slightly as she made eye contact with the two figures, the most of what she was able to do at least due to both of them wearing night vision goggles.

Both figures held a respective weapon, a sword similar to hers and a gun raised at her head.

Thinking fast she used the hooks on her gear and fired one of them at the figure with the gun, effectively catching their weapon and pulling it from their grip. She also launched at the other figure and clashed her blades with theirs.

Y/n dodged the next attack by firing her right hook into the chimney of the building they were on and using a bit of her gas to slip underneath her opponent. Their leg caught on the wire of her gear and stumbled them. Giving the female enough time to get up, turn around and slicing their head right off. The blood spattered on her once clean white uniform, mingling with the stains on her thigh from the bullet wound.

Y/n figured it hadn't hit any important blood vessels or muscles or she wouldn't have been able to pull this off.

The thud of the persons head landing on the ground pulled her to reality. The last member standing from the trio was about to attack her when they got tackled by a very calm looking Jax. Within seconds Akame was by his side and pressed a working gun against their head.

Not a second later Levi landed by Y/n's side, looking down on her figure.

As the adrenaline started to run out and her fatigue started catching up with her, Y/n stumbled slightly and soon was kept up by Levi. Who had pulled her arm around his shoulders and placed his arm around her waist.

2nd person POV

"Come on brat, let's head home. You have a lot of explaining to do." He started to walk you towards his horse.

"Y'know, this is kinda giving me a deja-vu, can I this time tell my story outside a court room or prison cell?" You smirked at the slightly taller male as he sighed at your antics.

Meanwhile Jax had used some scrap rope as make shift handcuffs and Akame and had taken the weapons of the figure. Transporting them to Jax' horse who would have to take the figure back to HQ for questioning.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now