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When you deemed yourself ready to go out you decided to hunt for food first. You didn't know what grew in this forest but there must be some animals to catch.

You were pretty sure you had seen some deer around, maybe there were some other animal that walked by? Water, you'd have to find water first, both you and animals needed water to survive. Where water was, was food.

Even thinking about the fluid made the dry feeling in your mouth worse. You shrugged off your backpack and took a quick sip from the water, careful to not gulp it all down in one go.

You were pretty high up in the tree, so you probably wouldn't need much gas to travel around if you used the hooks of your gear to swing between the trees.

When you put back your water bottle you took off, careful to stay a reasonably high level above the ground. Some titans followed you but gave up the hunt when you stayed high above their reach, others just couldn't keep up with the relatively quick pace you had set.

After a small hour you found a small stream, its water flowed fast enough to seem relatively safe to drink. Yet you stayed in one of the many trees surrounding the stream.

This area would probably be promoted to your fallback base whenever you needed it. But the next problem was food. You didn't pack any food, so you'd have to hunt or gather.

You would've preferred to set up some traps although you didn't have anything to make the traps with. Gathering would be a good idea, of only you knew what plants lived in these times and if they're poisonous or not.

Hunting would be safer, you decided. But how? You had a gun but it would make too much noise and could attract unwanted attention from the very female you currently ran from.

Traps could also signify that you were somewhere close by.

After thinking for a short while you had thought of a plan. You got lower into the tree, to a branch where you could comfortably rest on as you crouched down. The blades in the handles in your hand ready and your fingers resting dangerously on the trigger.

When an unsuspecting animal did show up, you were more than ready. It had been more than a little annoying to sit like that in the tree for awhile, but you managed to make it work.

This was highly experimental but you knew you had to try it.

You repositioned yourself differently, moving slowly and carefully to not give your prey any reason to run. When you were sure you were positioned correctly you shot.

The hook of your gear straight into the animals head, by somewhat accident even as the creature moved to look at it's surroundings and stopped drinking. You'd have to practice your aim but that wasn't a concern right now. You had successfully caught your meal.

The animal was dead by the time your hook had retracted as much as it could and laid with your catch at the bottom of the tree you sat in.

You hopped down, using the other hook to successfully make your way down, you looked for a good place to start a fire. The smoke would be hidden by the trees, but that didn't mean the wind didnt carry along the smell of fire to who knows where.

Slightly cursing yourself for not thinking about that before catching a deer which carcass you'd have to drag along. You didn't want to leave your catch alone in case of other predators feasting upon it when you'd be gone.

After a minutes you'd decided your course of action, grabbing a knife from your belt you cut open the deer. It carried a good layer of fat for the approaching winter, and you quickly skinned it and cut up the meat. The remains of the carcass you left on the ground for other animals and wrapped the bloody meat in the bloody pelt of the animal.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu