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When she was finally pulled off of you, mostly by Demian who had decided it was his turn to welcome you back, he picked you up and spun you around. "It's good to have you back captain." He said as he hugged you. It was sweet, usually it was Jax who was more prone to physical affection out of the two males in your squad.


"I'm glad to be back." A smile laced your voice as Demian released you. Akame was turned to the remainings of the wagon, it was safe to say none of the four males inside had survived the blast.

"I think we'll be fine for now since it's night. When we return I want you, Akame to take Lillian and guide her here to clean this up and leave no traces, understood?" You spoke, the commands a liberating feeling of familiarity.

With that the three of them got on their horses, none of them had thought to grab your horse in the hurry to see you again. Because of that you were thankful that Levi immediately pulled you in front of him on his horse, his arms secured around you as he held the reins.

You leaned against Levi's chest as you could hear his heart beat loudly within, it allowed a small smile to form on your face. You turned your upper body to wrap your arms around his neck, resting your head on your arms in the process. The position allowed you to still hear the reassuring beating of his heart, silencing any past anxieties you had outside the walls that maybe he hadn't made it.

As your thoughts drifted off, your eyes closed and eventually the exhausting from the past week had caught up with you.

Levi looked down to see your sleeping form against him, slightly shifting in his position to secure his hold on you better while still being able to use the reins properly.

The fact that you were able to fall asleep on a horses back was already astounding, but Levi could only assume how difficult you'd had it for the past days so he could hardly blame you.

Akame watched silently, she hadn't been blind for the past week and a half. She hadn't seen Levi once and his appearance showed the neglect he had shown himself in that time. She remembered her reactions on Levi and you together in the past. Not to forget before, she couldn't have missed the look you gave him and that he whole hearthedly returned.

Demian smiled from beside her as he watched the internal battle Akame was fighting in her thoughts. He had never seen you so affectionate with anyone ever, so it wasn't hard for him to figure out what was going on. To be perfectly honest he could definitely see the two of you together.

Meanwhile Akame was still lost in thought, watching you sleep on his chest was odd. You were independent, you had never needed anyone else, what had changed? She didn't like Levi, his emotionless facade that she had started to see through the past week didn't match with someone like you. You were like a sister to her, precious, and not to be taken away by the likes of him.

Then again, if you two did leave each other, then what could she even do?

Deciding to leave those thoughts were they were, she could see the headquarters inching closer.

When you arrived it was oddly silent, the horses hooves sounding loudly against the stone of ground. Lillian, Luca and Arlo immediately bursting through the door as they approached the small group. When Arlo saw your unconscious state he didn't walk anymore, he sprinted towards Levi's horse, Luca and Lillian close on his tail.

Luca helped Levi with you, trying not to wake you as he got off his horse. Demian proposed to take his horse back to the stable and Levi accepted his offer.

Arlo eyed your condition suspiciously, "she just fell asleep." Levi said yet his eyes didn't leave your form, "I hope you're right." Arlo mumbled as he eyed the red stains in the white fabric of your blouse.

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