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After safely bringing him home you returned to HQ, barely in time for dinner.


The last few days passed, nothing really happened, although you did disobey the orders from Erwin. You called your team in your office together and quickly explained the real plan, and what had led to this.

You made them swear on their life to not let this information leak, which they all agreed to. Lillian had figured out something else was going on anyway and you figured that explaining the plan to your squad was the best thing you could do at that point.

The last days before the expedition you prepared as well, packing some basic equipment in your small backpack. A water bottle, a whetstone for your knives and potentially swords, bandages and painkillers, and a small set to make a fire in case of emergencies. On the expedition itself you would put two extra flasks of gas on the side of your backpack (the space was made for extra water bottles originally).

The soldiers were growing more nervous by the day although it really wasn't affecting your or Levi's team, let alone you or Levi.

Eren seemed to have spent most of this time with his friends who had different lessons for the smoke signals and for the formation plan.

You spent your days lazing around Levi's office, and the paperwork seemed to have died down in preparation these last days.

"Hey Levi, how long are you gonna be busy signing that shit work? Shouldn't that die down by now?" You sighed as you laid on the couch in his office.

"Tch, I'm nearly done so let me work."

"Fine, fine...... how many expeditions have you been on?" You said as you continued to pester Levi.

"Too many."

"Damn, does anyone even know how many there have been in the past?"

"56 expeditions, this will be the 57th, now shut up, I need to finish these papers." He said as you indeed shut up after that.

Now you were ready to head out. Saddled with everything packed you sat relaxedly on your horse as your and Levi's squad was talking in the background you conversed with Levi.

"They're all really nervous, but what did you expect after Erwin's pep talk about the mortality rate at the assembly." You sighed as you leaned back, playing with the edges of the dark green cape that hung around your shoulders.

"Captain. Here are the grenades you requested." Demian walked up beside you on his horse and handed you a small bag. You looked inside to see around five grenades in the bag, each surrounded by some hay that would prevent any unwanted set offs.

"Good, thanks Demian." You said as you strapped the satchel to the side of your belt, opposite to where your sheaths with knives hung.

Levi just mostly ignored your comment from earlier as you got the signal to start riding, you were in front with Levi and the other squad leaders, closely followed by both of your squads.

As you were riding through the streets you noticed the stares you received, the people did part for you in the streets but they looked grim, most even mad. They mostly mumbled to each other with disgust in their eyes as you passed.

You met eyes with Hikoro from a couple of days ago, the kid smiled brightly at you as he waved, another kid beside him doing the same. You gave him a small smile in return as you continued on riding.

Not long after your eyes met with the kind dark eyes from the man that ran the leather shop. He smiled kindly at you as you made eye contact, you quickly nodded your head allowing him to know you had seen him.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ