Candyman x Male! reader: Pets

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(N/n) = nickname

"Dearest," Daniel laughed. "We cant keep him." Daniel's boyfriend (Y/n) gasped and pouted. "But hes so cute!" (Y/n) whined sadly, pulling the corgi puppy onto his chest. The puppy was barely a month old at most. "He'll die out there! I'm not him die!" He argued.
Daniel k ew he should have just let his boyfriend keep the dog, but he was stubborn, but his (y/n) was even more stubborn. "Fine. We'll keep him
(n/n)." (Y/n) smiled and squealed. "Go make him some milk. There'sa recipe on the stove. Neither of us and breast feed." (Y/n) let out a chuckle.

Daniel complied and brought it in a small bowl, and grabbed a plastic syringe.
When he returned the puppy was whining for food.
He quickly filled the syringe and fed the pup. Making his lover laugh.

"I love you Daniel."

"I love you too (y/n)"

"Do you love Sur Eli IV?"

"Yes, I love sir Eli. But I love you more."

"Oh, I know. You told me most of last night."

"I'm glad you retained my message."

"Don't I always?" (Y/n) equipped with a wink.
Daniel winked  and let his future husband feed their new family member.

This chapter and the last chapter were both requested by Ins0mn1aa
Hope you enjoyed! Sorry this was short, I have a lot of biology homework to do!

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