He reads fanfics about him-

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Jay Jay

He is very uncomfy with this. He now has the constant urge to destroy all technology, mostly his phone, but you couldn't talk to while away. So he refrained.


No. Y/n. Just no. Why did you have to introduce him to this? Now he's very much aware of millions of teenage girls lusting over him. God Y/n you make him wonder why he's with you sometimes. But he can live with you. 


Uhm...he doesn't know these people. And he does NOT like this. So from the words of Bubba 'Please make them stop..?' you said you'd try but they didn't stop making him a little extra paranoid, since seeing his movies.

Bilbert and his special Stu

They're......indifferent about all this. Let's be honest here. They're hot. And they know it. Sure, they're yours and they are utterly in love with you. But! All of these strangers specializing them, it wont really matter. They're just kinda....ignoring it.

A blushing babie boy!

He got extremely embarrassed when he found out what smut Is and kinda just...set you phone down apologized and left. Covering his face. Very flustered.


He had no clue people cared about him! Well other than you of course. It oddly enough, boosted his self confidence. Since his biggest insecurity is his skin color, (remember he was beaten into submission over his skin color believed to be less than)


Little one, he knew this. He knew that other oomans fantasized about him. But he would rather kill them than be romantically involved with them. You are his mate after all. 

Minecraft creepers but scarier

He refuses to believe that some strangers out there were that obsessed over him. He only wanted and needed your love. So these weirdos who loved him, while he is grateful, has no need to acknowledge them.

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