No longer separated:

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Michael Myers:
Michael did have to kill a few...dozen people after his letter privileges got taken away, well he thought that you had stopped writing but a few extra dumb guards, who were extra easy to kill, had been giggling about how he was 'so stupid' to think you'd stopped writing, when you had been writing everyday  to him. He quickly broke the metal door down, snapping their necks and walking down the hallway a wicked glare set on his face as he walked right through a wooden door which was labeled 'Received Letters; not to be given'. 

It took a few minutes, but he managed to find 1 large box of letters all from you ranging from just today to 14 years ago.  You really did write everyday. He heard the commotion of guards, guns drawn. Now he was in his element.

After a rather bloody mess was made, the box of your letter were taken, and a car was hijacked he was coming home. Home to you.

He drove all night and pulled into your house, the car sputtering from the lack of engine. He saw your curious eyes peeking through the window. He stepped out, grabbing a letter from the box and walked to the front door, knocking gently. "Yes?" Was your nervous response. He forced the door open and handed you the letter. "How did you get this? This was for..Michael." You seemed to pause tearing slightly at his name. "But I am Michael." He said. His voice was hoarse from how scarily he used it. "There's no way. He's in the sanitarium." All he needed to do was show you the picture from your 9th birthday and you were pulling him inside, and practically clinging to him.

Jason Voorhees:
15 years he'd been away from you. His mother was now only a voice in his head, and you were nowhere to be seen. Pamela had said you would come eventually. And you did. 

Camp Crystal Lake or "Camp blood" as others called it had always been a place where you lost your first friend and a place that made you cry whenever you thought about it. But you were going to do it, you would say your goodbyes to Jason.

Jason glared at the small person who was standing at the dock, clearly about to cry. "Hey Jay. It's me, (y/n). I know that it's been a while since we've talked but-" you muffled a sob while the tall male stood frozen fiddling with the beaded bracelets you'd given him. His wrist was too big so he used a piece of twin and tied them around his neck. "But I came to say goodbye. Because I'm stuck on you, Jason I don't know how you did it, but you managed to get stuck on you even 15 years later." You let out a dry laugh. "I miss you, a lot JayJay. I'll never forget that day. My parents were busy most of the summer so I couldn't visit, but I did that day. I even helped your mom make the cake. It was strawberry. Your favorite." You sobbed sinking down. "And when that damned counselor came over said you drowned my world shattered." You couldn't talk after that, you just sobbed. 

That was when he decided to walk over to you. He placed his large hand delicately on your shoulder making you turn to him. Before you said anything he beside you showing you the too small bracelets and too small necklaces. "JayJay?" He nodded, opening his arms.  You took the opportunity, hugging him as tight as you could, wrapping your legs around him. He held you rocking the two of you back and forth. (He was also lowkey smelling your hair but, that's not important.) 

You were completely oblivious to how you came to miss the muscled teddy bear that was Bubba. Maybe it was how he made a small garden for you, so you would eat something, since you refused to eat people. Or how he held you tightly during the cold nights, even kissing your head in his sleep. You weren't sure really. So you packed up your summer and spring clothes shoes and toiletries. You got in your car, said goodbye to your mom and drove from Maine to Texas, only stopping to get gas, drinks, food, and bathroom breaks. The 33 hours felt like nothing. 

You didn't stop at the last chance gas station you stopped at the familiar gas station that changed your life.  Hoyt stepped out as you did. "You came back?" He questioned, ready to beat you for how badly you left his brother. "I missed him. Bubba I mean. I'm not sure why though." You shrugged meeting his eyes. He sighed. "Fine you got any stuff?" Nodding you pulled out your two large suitcases and then the smaller one and set it on the ground. "Fine, but you leave again your chili. literally." You nodded putting them in the bed of his truck. 

The drive was awkward for the most part, but you spoke some. When you pulled up, Nubbins was there, and took your bags as Hoyt demanded he do so, up to bubbas door. "Won't leave his room 'cept for grub. Go on up girlie." He insisted quietly. 

You knocked as gentle as possible, but only got an angry grunt. So you knocked again. Another grunt. More knocking ensued till he walked up to the door, with a heated glare. But that glare melted when he saw you, standing there. you reached out and grazed his arm. 

You were pulled into a bone crushing hug, which you returned, giggling slightly at his cute little giggles. "Can we put my stuff away please, then we'll figure this out okay?" You were set down on his large bed while he brought in your stuff. 

You knew why you wanted you come back. Bubba had this air around him, that could draw people in. Or maybe it was the fuzzy feeling that filled you whenever he let out those excited squeals or the grin he gets when you give him forehead kisses.

You had only been in the shithole that was your hotel, for a few weeks before the police broke down the door. Your father and a very relieved Stu and a very very very angry Billy were. The two people you refused to recognize as a part of your life were dragged away. Billy was the first person who got his hands on you, he pulled you into a tight hug, which wasn't tight enough to restrict your breathing, but tight enough to make you feel safe. A few minutes later Stu did the same, but he picked your now significantly lighter body and spun you around. Finally they noticed that you were shivering and only in your pajamas, a tank top and shorts, and was shivering. Stu forced his off white sweater over your body and pushed you gently to you dad and a police officer who was very patiently waiting, looking at the three of you with fond smile. 

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