How others feel about your relationship:

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Jason Voorhees:
Pamala: Oh those two are so cute together! I think the only time I ever my Jason this happy was when he was younger. 

Michael Myers:
Dr. Loomis: I don't understand it! How can I spend 15 long years for to get nothing! But when hes with him its like he's a completely different person?!

Dr.Sartain: They can get him to talk?! 

Luda Mae: Oh bless their hearts! They are the cutest I have ever seen! She makes Tommy the happiest I've ever seen him! They are just so cute together!

Hoyt: They're alright. I mean they looks tasty, but Bubba will kill me if I ever look at em' wrong so...

Nubbins: Oh (Y/n)? They are so happy together! We're gettin' the most ever now!

Chop Top: They like to give me new music all the time! They're great!

Sydney: I mean I don't get it! I was Billy for two years and suddenly he leaves me for her?! And then She gets with Stu?! God, I know Tatum would agree with me.
Randy: Oh yeah they're cool! I don't really care who those two are with as long as they're happy together. I really hope that maybe one day I'll fine love like those three one day.

Norman Bates:
Norma: Oh Y/n and Norman? Those two are alright. I was hesitant on him being with them, but their relationship has started to grow on me.

Your parents: Oh that Daniel guy? He's such a gentleman! And he talks kinda funny, like he's from the past or something. But I don't see anything wrong with him. Well other then that he got my baby a cat, when we are allergic to cats!

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