How they propose: Jason

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Jason was very different. Well, Pamela did. She planned the whole thing. He set up some fairy lights and a blanket. Like a regular date! He took you there and didn't touch his food, or ask you to turn around. He took a deep breath and shakily handed you a peach tart with a wafer paper flower on top of it. In the bulb of that flower was a sliver engagement ring, glistening in the light the fairy lights were giving off. "Jason. Are you?" He nodded. You smiled and took the ring out of the flower. "Its beautiful." You whispered. "It was mommy's."
"I love it. Will you put it on?"
Ever so gently, he slid it on your ring finger. "I love you so much Jason. I wish we could stay in this moment forever." He shook his head. "I don't. Cause then, I'll never get to see you walking down the aisle. And I want to see that more than anything in the world."

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