The little things

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Michael >:3

You completely revamped the house. Hes never slept and felt better. He no longer hears his step father screaming at night. This is a new house. Your house.


You hand wash his mother's sweater, since its home made and make his favorite foods from her little cook book she made.
It's made him and his mother happier than they have been.


You hand clean the basement and shared bedroom. Its helped with his stress and hes more relaxed. Hes also helped with you cleaning said rooms.
You've also helped start renovating the house. You of course kept the chicken and bone room, but other than that, the whole family has been happier and helping to keep the house clean.

Billy and Stu

You are their personal tutor  and help them keep their grades up. Along with giving them study tactics.
They've also, thanks to you, have joined the Lacross team and gotten jobs as waiters, so they can save up for your futures.


You help keep up Norma and the house along with the motel. And thanks to Norman, a fairville recluse taking a wife and helping him become him more social, the Bates motel is much more popular for more things than sex


Just understanding womans more. Little one you're a very confusing species!


Turning your nest into a giant tree house. Look before he found you he lived in a giant birds nest!
You now have insulation and A/c and heat that he pays, somehow.
You also have an actual bed! It's the size of like 3 king beds together.


Hes a rich man. Hes THE Hannibal Lector. But you've helped him regarding his trust issues, his mask will come off at home. You get the real Hannibal, the one with nightmares and trust issues and an overwhelming amount of love for you. You also get to see him in casual clothes, him in just his pajamas. You get the boyfriend who will cry over cutting  his finger and nake you kiss it better. The one who has feelings


You've helped his self esteem. He used to shum himself for his hook. But now he knows his worth and thanks you everyday for that.

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