Seeing your ex:

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This was very poorly written im so sorry all:(  

(TRIGGER WARNING for this Michael's, and Normans guys!)

Joined a cult at some point in his movie timeline

Brandon decided to follow around after his loosy left him for a new boy, and you were very scared he'd try something. And try something he did. 

"HEY!" He screeched chasing after you, who was trying to lose him in a crowd. Michael was waiting for you of course, he had lost you, because he walked too fast and didn't realize that. "What Brandon?" You snapped turning around, taser in hand. "Woah woah babygirl, I just wanna talk." He laughed and stepped closer, making you step back. 

Michael had finally noticed he lost you in the crowd and panicked. Who knew if your ex was bothering you. Sure you had a taser and a canister of pepper spray, but you weren't the best at hand to hand combat. "Oh god that mothers adrenalin  is kicking in." He muttered in panic walking back to the park where you had left. "I can see every equation!" He ran his hands through his hair and walked faster and faster to where he had last seen you.

"Oh god! (Y/n)!" He cried stopping a woman and her small son who had a small cone of ice cream in his hands, both of them fearfully staring at him. "Excuse me ma'am have you seen my partner, their about this tall and clearly model material but we haven't had that talk yet." The mother relaxed and shook her head.

He ran to your car, seeing your ex, who had you trapped between him and your car. You had your taser drawn pointing the assaulting end at his crotch.  "Hey!" He shouted, drawing the attention of just about everyone. "Fuck off your creep!" He yelled finally pushing him away from you and onto the ground.  "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He had his hands hovering over your shoulders. He didn't want to scare even more than you already clearly were. "No, but he was about too!" You cried as you jumped into his arms squeezing your eyes shut.

The police sirens made him stiffen slightly, but he relaxed and gently sank to the ground, pulling you into his lap. "Excuse us, could you please tell us what happened?" A very miffed officer asked. Gently rubbing your back and whispering words of encouragement to you. "Hey Jones, you deal with the guy, I'll talk with her." A female officer said pushing the male officer away. 

The female officer had sat down on the ground across from you, and let you stutter what happened out. Thankfully she was patient with you, so once you were dont telling her all that had happened, she smiled and thanked you for your time, leaving with the much less annoyed officer Jones.

This man knits, fight me about it

"Y/n?" A familiar voice asked happily. "Jamie?" You smiled turning around to see him. Jamie was tall and lanky, with olive skin, dark black hair, and piercing green eyes. He wore a pair of black sweats and white a tank top with a pair of black sneakers. "Hey babes! How've you been?" Jason growled and set down the fluffy yarn he was examining. "Good, good! Oh, right! Jason, this is Jamie. Jamie this is my boyfriend, Jason!" Jamie smiled at you before waving at the giant man who stood, looming over you, large hands on your shoulders. "Good to meet you man! My boyfriend hates people so he isn't here. But you should totally meet him! He'll love you guys. Y/n, love text me! We can can meet up, and YOU can get your hats that you left behind! I'll see you later!" He happily called walking off towards the painting canvases. "Who was that?" A husky voice whispered in your ear. "Jamie. My ex." Jason tightened his grip slightly. "Jay, he's gay and happily in love with his boyfriend. Come on, let's go look at that yarn." He nodded and shuffled behind you.

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