Michael oneshot: You cant leave

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You and Michael had always had some sort of relationship. You grew up together, you were one if his only visitors when he was allowed to have them.
You sent letter back and forth up until he escaped, because then, he came to you.

Then one thing led to another and you started dating. And you couldn't be happier, he was the sweetest most romantic man you'd ever been with.

But he changed one night. It was Halloween and you dressed up. Well kind of. You put on a yellow oversized hoodie and a ted crook top and bam! You were pooh bear. And Michael thought you were adorable, but he had to go out and kill.

But he came back....different the first thing you noticed was way he looked at you. His eyes held so much anger and disgust. Then he stopped talking to you. And then he stopped treating you like his girlfriend, and more like a future victim.
He was constantly ready to stab you. This went on for months, and you tried to just ignore it. You really tried to.

And you couldn't take it. You packed a few duffle bags of clothes and other necessities before slamming them into your car.
Michael panicked and dragged back inside. He tilted his head. "Goodbye Michael." You said, your voice wavering.

"What?" He asked his voice small and desperate. "I'm leaving. I cant it anymore Michael! You're treating me like a victim! And I'm your girlfriend! So yes until you realize theres a difference I'll be with my mother." Michael had let you go at this point, your body just didn't move. But only for a moment. And once your car left the driveway, he broke down.

He sobbed for hours on hours weakly reaching his hands out for you, so you'd let him pull you into his tight hug, where you'd pepper his cheek and jawline with kisses. But you weren't there.

You sobbed and screamed at your pillow the following nights. You just couldn't live without him. But you couldn't go back to him. Nuh-uh, no way you would do that.
You looked out your window seeing the face you longed to see. Michael. Your Michael. His face was puffy and his hair was untamed, and he had a bit of a scruffy beard growing in.

You got up and walked to the front door where he stood.
Immediately he plopped right into your arms, apologizing over and over about...well you weren't sure. He wasn't making much sense. "Come in. My mom left to meet with her friends."
He dragged himself out of your arms and into your mothers house.

"Oh puppy-baby- (Y/n). My sweet sweet angelic (y/n). I'm so so so sorry! It's just that night I- I didn't get any kills. You were all I thought about. And I thought that maybe if I started acting different I'd feel different. But that didn't work. I just made you suffer. I wont change ever again I just cant be away from you. You cant leave me. You-you make me better. You make me feel genuinely happy with your stupid dad jokes. You make me feel like a kid in Christmas. And if you leave I wont feel like that, and I don't want that. And if you leave, I-. Kitty you make me better, and if you leave I wont have a home. Becuase you're my home. And I'll follow you to the ends if the earth."

You had both crumpled into each other tight grip. "I'll come back. But, I want the michael who let's me do his hair. Not the michael I got. Okay?" He nodded and pulled you upstairs, shoving things your things back it the bags you took with you.

He put them in your car while you left your mom a note. After it was in and obvious place you walked out of the house and shut the door locking it.

Michael was driving, so you climbed into the passenger seat. "Let's go home baby."

"I'm always home with you."

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