What you do on their birthday:

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Michael Myers:
Since you and Michael had always celebrated his birthday the same, spend the day at the park and in the woods, and then go to your house to eat dinner and eat the cake your guardian made. 
He would spend the night where he would sleep in your room and he'd hold your hand in his sleep.

Jason Voorhees:
One of the few days a year he sleeps in, allowing you to make him breakfast and serve it to him in bed. After you'll go to your favorite spot which is a field of wildflowers near a river that you like to coax him to stick his feet in, or just admire all the little fishes that are swimming about. 

You'll spend the day together in the field and after you'll make dinner together and end the night curled up in a giant blanket fort passed out. 

The one day Hoyt lets everyone take off, since Bubba is the youngest he gets his own little party. You and Luda mae would make him a cake. After he would blow out his candles and open the two or three gifts he got. 
After that when you both were in bed you'd talk to him and gaze at the stars that you could see outside his bedroom window. 

It's never the same, sometimes you'll have a picnic or just stay in and cuddle. As long you're all together they're happy. But they do have favorite things to do. For Billy he loves going thrifting and going to the dollar store trying to find the strangest thing possible. While Stu loves going and getting ice cream and skating around all day and night with you. (He did infact teach you how to skate on a whim)

 But if they decide to celebrate it together they invite over Randy (Who they vowed not to kill as he's the only one didn't judge your relationship) who will bring cake mix and butter cream. The three of you will decorate the cake from your sprinkle arsenal that you have collected over the years. It's very chaotic but its fun and the cake is always pretty good . After you'll watch a range of horror movies some are classics and others weird 50's b-horror movies.

Norman Bates:
He always wakes up before you. So he makes breakfast for the both of you and will rub your back gently to wake you up, and you'll feed each other breakfast. After he will take the day off (Because you force him too) and go on a nature walk while you make a dinner feast and and a two tier ice cream cake. 

He'll come home to dinner and basically inhale his food, eager to eat his cake. But he slows down when giggle about it not going anywhere. 

After cake he helps clean up and opens his gifts. (And after every gift he gets up and squeezes you.)

The night is ended with dancing to the latest records in the living room with the occasional kiss.

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