Your Insecurities: [PT. 2]

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Norman Bates:
You have severe PTSD and Anxiety from your childhood. He found this out, and you freaked the hell out. You were always told when you were diagnosed that you were a freak so you kinda covered it up.
But Norman knew you hated the doctors office so now he always makes you herbal teas to calm you down and help your PTSD. Seeing as he had PTSD from his abusive childhood,  and so he also let's you be the small spoon a lot more now to help you feel more secure. It's the little things that have helped you out.


You were bullied relentlessly growing up, and taught to hate yourself at a very young age, allow with other damaging things like sucking in your stomach when in public, and even being introducing to eating disorders by the age of 10. So there is a lot of insecurities going on, so he's made it his goal to compliment you at least 20 times a day, and give you 10 at least a day.

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