Jeepers Creepers 《PT.2》

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Who said I love you first

He did, he told after figuring out you were mates, desperate to to tell his new found mate how he felt. You didn't say it back, since you were human, but told him you loved him about two weeks later.

His first thought after meeting you

'Such a beautiful human, and such a nice scent..'

Interruptions during sex

You don't get interrupted, nobody knows you're there, nor can they hear you.

Dom or Sub?:

Dom. It's in his nature

How other feel about your relationship:

Your parents: Our baby is missing and you think its okay to joke about her dating somebody?

Meeting his slasher friends

He is growing more and more fond of the Yuatja that started dating your sister,  mainly because of he wants your sister to like him. And he's happy to meet another alien (that happiness is mutual, since the xenomorphs are assholes)

Your insecurities

You are very skinny, and have been told to 'eat a cheeseburger' or to 'get some meet on your bones' so you are insecure about him judging or leaving you for someone else. He also assures you that he loves you no matter what, seeing as you are his soulmate. And he wont leave you.

How they propose

He simply put a wedding band on your finger. He didn't ask or anything. He just kind stole some rings and said 'we're married now' and you were like 'okay. When's are honeymoon?'

Jealousy levels

Man really doesn't trust any other male to breathe around you(except for the Yuatja and your immediately family). That's why you barely leave your nest, well that and your nest is comfortable and you are very happy staying in the nest all day.

Names in each other phones

Yours: My little mate
His: That one song


Yours: Jumpy bug
His:  Personal Vibrator

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