Realizing his feelings:

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Michael Myers:
Michael had always been protective of you, even as kids so he never thought anything of it when his protectiveness seemed to sky rocket, among other feelings. He had always been touchy, but that got 'worse' because he was now following you around hugging you from behind, just caressing your face randomly, or coming into your room and pulling you on top of him, basically using you as a teddy bear. He was also getting more fond of using pet names like 'Teddy Bear' or 'Sweetness' 

Michael had realized this when you were changing into one of his shirts and boxers (he basically forced you to most nights. It made his chest swell with pride) when he noticed all of the not so little things he did, and the way his grin seemed to get bigger when you'd blush and sputter an excuse to walk away.

That's when it clicked. He was in love with you. "God Damn!" He groaned. He really was slow when he had to figure out things like this. "What?" You asked plopping infront of him as he took the towel turban off your head and started to dry your hair. "Nothing prince cutie." He teased grinning at your embarrassed face

Jason Voorhees:
You had been at camp hiding with Jason, reconnecting and if you were honest flirting. and surprisingly it was mostly his little touches that drove you up the wall. He'd brush his hands on your lower back, he'd hug you from behind, he trap you in between the wall and the bed you shared somewhat forcing you to be close to him.  But what made it all click was your ex boyfriend showing up angrily yelling for you, circling your car.

You were whimpering and cowering behind a tree. "I'll go out there, but you better scare him off. Please?" He nodded rubbing your back briefly, allowing you to step out. "There you are! You thought you could hide from me huh little girl?" He sneered glaring at you, who was cowering down. "I-I'm sorry.." You whimpered tears filling your eyes. That's when Jason decided to act. He stepped out and walked behind you raising a large stick, seemingly ready to strike. He paled letting out a 'Jesus fuck!" Before dropping your wrist which he had grabbed somewhere in your short conversation.

Instantly throwing the stick behind him, he pushed his hands down to rub your sides. "Thanks JayJay.." You smiled up at him, and in that moment he swore you were an angel. 'God damnit' he thought, now letting the pieces fall into place. He of course did not let you know he realized he like liked you, instead he pulled you back to your now shared cabin.

Bubba knew something was different about you. He had never felt this way about any other tourist before, so he wasn't sure how to act with you. His hands were always clammy and he acted before thinking, and his emotions were a flurry of confusing things he didn't understand.  So he decided to talk to his momma (Luda Mae) about it. 

"Oh my boy's finally in love!" She cried jumping up from her seat, dancing happily. But when she saw his confused look she explained what is was and how it affected a person. He nodded in a sort of daze, standing up passing Alfredo and Tex who were wrestling, he also passes Nubbins and Chop Top who were listening to music. 

He needed to think.

Since your return from Florida, you had been plagued with nightmares about that small, dark, and cold closet you'd been stuck in. Billy and Stu had been angels in this time, staying close to you, which kept you feeling safe, they held your hands under tables, and squeezed your knee under tables. Billy had been extra protective, seemingly taking it the hardest that he wasn't there to protect you. So he would sneak in and hold you close and whispering cute little  reassurances to help calm you down. Billy even took you out shopping to get you clothes that you felt more comfortable in. 

And Stu also took it hard but he was more lighthearted. He helped you more socially, standing up for you when you couldn't, he walked you to class more, he sat next to you at lunch no matter where you went. You were never alone to be in your head. You always seemed to be laughing about something. And you couldn't forget Stu sneaking and giving you some of his sweaters they saw you found lots of comfort and security in. 

They always had some sort of inkling that they had feelings for you, but that was confirmed when you were taken and they couldn't see you in person, or hug you, or make you blush.

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