First Date:

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Michael Myers:

(Please note that Michael has no idea how relationship works, and what to wear to movie dates)

His mask had only been on when he was outside of the house, so you were conditioned to seeing his face as normal. So when he told  you to meet him at the movie theater as he pulled on his mask over his face, you nodded pretty upset. 

You stood outside the movie theater, talking to your ex and his floosy, they had the biggest smirk on you their faces. "Where's your boy toy?" Whatever her name sneered. "He's doing something. We're meeting up." You calmly shrugged, your eyes flickered to his figure which no longer had his mask on, now dresses in a black turtleneck, black slacks, and black dress shoes. "Hey sorry I'm late had to run back and grab some money." He smiled. The two whirled around, and your ex's floosy decided to try and flirt with him. But he paid her no mind. "So what are we seeing?" He grinned walking next to you, taking your hand. "It's apparently some horror movie." 

The movie itself was part of series, 'Stab 9' it was called. Not super scary with the gore, but good enough jump scares to have you in his arms. "Can we get Ice cream now? That popcorn was really salty and I don't wanna ask for a refill." He nodded leading you out of the theaters lobby. Where your ex and his floozy were arguing. "Just ignore them. Should we share a big ice cream?"

You glanced up at him. "Chocolate with hot fudge Oreos, sprinkles and Caramel, right?" He nodded. "Of course." 

Your ice cream was eaten over pleasant conversations and you two playing footsie. 

Jason Voorhees:
Seeing as he's THE Jason Voorhees, you can't go out, so you both improvised. He made dinner and packed it up, while you made lots of desserts for you both to eat. Jason made salad and burgers for dinner, while you made apple pie, Ice cream and brownies for dessert. After everything was ready he packed it all up and took you on a picnic and stargazing. 

"Wait you did it wrong!?" He tilted his head, munching on his pie. "We have to clink them together!"  He giggled getting another bite and clinking them with you laughing harder as you said "Clink." 

The rest of the night was spent making jokes and excitedly pointing out constellations. "-and that is how  I ended waking up tied to the roof of a bus that was heading towards  Maine!" You cackled at the memory and his face. "Yeah!" You nodded pointing at his face. "She really hated me, because and get this!" You paused for dramatic affect. "Ryan Mathews liked me in 5th grade, remember?" He nodded. "And she was like crazy obsessed in love with him, and she apparently swore revenge on me." Jason gaped. "I know an- Oh look! It's the big dipper!" You smiled up at the glimmering night sky.

Jason really hoped your night never ended, but it did sadly. But on the up side you both had a nice ending to the night with cuddles on the couch.

He made you lunch, which wasn't human meat. He knew that you had a guilty conscious and would feel so sick and twisted if you did eat it, and you weren't you were like a dove.

So you both agreed on steak and potatoes with sweet tea.  "Your a really good cook Bubba!" You praised digging into your potatoes. He blushed and nodded.

The conversation was light and pleasant and Bubba who hated to share food, gave you some of his potatoes.  He played with your fingers after you ate and were just talking about whatever came to mind. 


Billy and Stu as an official first date to your new relationship they ordered some take out and bought a cake. They also rented a bunch of movies, most of them comedies. "What movies did you guys get?" You called from the couch, as they put the cake away and got plates for you all to portion yourselves. "Mostly comedies. We got like 4 horror movies we weren't sure if you were ready for that, but ya know you can always jump into our arms flower!" Stu grinned making you giggle and snuggle into the couch. "Okay! Anyways can you guys please hurry up! I want snuggles!" You pouted, as the two killers fondly shook their heads.

You ended up curled up asleep halfway through the last movie, your feet in Billy's lap and your head in Stu's. "So cute!" Billy whispered, rubbing your thigh gently. 

You stirred eventually to see Billy and Stu gone, their figures talking quietly, eating something. "What are you eating?" You asked groggily sitting on the counter. "Some cake you want some kitty?" Billy asked, you nodded your ears all red.

You ate a couple cake slices and all migrated to Stu's bedroom to sleep more comfortably.

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