You do contortion

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Michael or Micheal ??

*"Are you hurt? Do you need help?"
*Once you say no and have explain that you've din this for years hes okay
*and kinda horny
*"Would you be okay fo bringing this into the bedroom..?"
*If you say yes, be prepared he will be extreme, even more extreme than normal


*Will untangle you as gently as possible
*Checks you for any sign of hurting.
*Cuddles you becuase you scared him and he needs to hold you rn
*asks you about it the next day
*wants to try it


*H O R N Y
*He does not care who's in the house
*He will absolutely rearrange your guts, if you say it's okay
*if you say no, he will respect that becuase Luda Mae raised him right!

Billy amd Stew

*H O R N Y
*Will plow into you right then and there
*V loud
*Dewey walked in at one point
*Did they stop? Absolutely not
*Billy made direct sye contact with him and winked
*Dewey has never made eye contact with him again
*Is still uncomfortable talking to you


*Stands there in shock
*"will you teach me how to do that?"
*Genuinely wants to try it

Daddy Daniel

*"Honey Bee, please tell me youa rwnt hurt!"
*Nearly cries
*Please let him hold you for a few days, you scared him Y/n


* *intrested trilling*
*"Little one why do you do this?"
*"It helps me in self defense, and like balance, and back pain, ya know makes me stronger,and I'll get sick less often."
*"You truly are a warrior, you enemies tremble in fear."
*You'd chuckle and stand up, letting him pick you up, purring loudly
*"You amaze me little one."
*"I could say the same for you."

*Alright stop right there, because hes the predator and you are his prey
*"Little mate, can I..?"
*"Why do think I did this, knowing you were home?"
*"You sly little minx you.."
*Be prepared to not be able walk for a few weeks

Sexy Daddy Cannibal Guy

*Admires you
*"Do be careful. I remember reading It causes scoliosis"
*"I live you dearest. Dinner will be ready in an hour."
*"I love you too!"

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