You get kidnapped

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Michael Myers:
Dr.Loomis knew that Michael would probably follow you to the ends of the earth(And he is right about that.) so he decided to do the only ting that he could come up with that was the most logical. Kidnap you and lock you up in Smiths Groove! 

He managed to get you out of Michaels iron grip one night after picking your front doors lock. You somehow didn't wake up until you felt rope tying you to something. "W-what?" You muttered groggily turning to see Dr.Loomis grinning at you. "I spend fifteen years with that boy and somehow you get him to talk. Well let's see if you can get him to save you." 
Internally you decided to pull you eyes somewhere else, choosing to look at the paper masks that adorned the cinder block walls. It was Michaels room. 

"Hey Doctor can I lay down. On the bed? M'too tired to do anything and you have a gun..'' Seemingly good enough reason for him he untied you and ran out of the room locking the metal doors behind him. 

You sighed and turned to the mattress laying down on it smiling instantly. 'It smells like him.'

The smell of your loving boyfriend helped lull you to sleep, but you knew Michael was defiantly awake now. And he was defiantly pissed.

And right you were about an hour and a half after you were taken Michael noted that you were suddenly a pillow. Assuming you were in the bathroom or kitchen he went to find you and drag your cute self back to bed. But you weren't in the Kitchen, or the bathroom. Or the basement, or attic, or guest rooms of the half bath. And you weren't in the attic. 

But finally he noticed that the front door was unlocked, and beside the door was a cane. One he knew belonged to Dr.Loomis. 

Watch out Loomis, you just pissed of Michael Myers to a new extreme.

Jason Voorhees: (TW: Mentions of r*pe)
It was that time of year again! More councilors were coming to 'restore the camp to its former glory' or whatever. You knew it was best to stay hidden, since they usually try to flirt with you, or assume you are trespassing. But today there was only one or two campers left, and they were both extremely creepy. One of them had survived one year and had seen you, so he dragged all his buddies to see the girl he saw. 

And on that day you so happened to be in the lake under the dock. And the two nosey bastards heard you breathing or something, they grabbed you by the shoulders and started rubbing your sides. You would love this. If it was Jason's big strong hands gently rubbing your sides as you ranted. But they weren't Jason. 

"You were right dude, she is hot." you grimaced as their hands crept to your bikini straps. "I know she's makin me hard what do you saw we.." Your eyes widened. Nononononononono! That's when you started screaming and yelling and kicking and hitting. And biting. 

But they were stronger than you, so they managed to get you over to cabin one. "CABIN ONE! CABIN ONE!" You screeched as loud as you could, knowing this alerted Jason who was walking towards the camp anyways. 

They didn't really kidnap you, they thought they were saving you. It was summer and you and Bubba had just finished...activities in the barn and you were wearing a spare shirt of his, and you couldn't walk right so he was carrying you,  you had your hands drawing circles on his chest.  And they  just assumed you were unconscious since your head was on his shoulder, and they thought that nobody could someone like Bubba. 

They then grabbed a car door  and swung it at your boyfriend, who dropped to the floor no longer awake. And without missing a beat they swung you over their shoulder and ran to a yellow jeep.

You were thrown in the passenger seat and the car was started zooming off. But as luck would have it he ran out of gas. At Hoyts gas station. You let out a small sigh of relief while he ran into Hoyt, hoping he'd help.

Sydney had always thought that no one would miss you if you just vanished. And maybe if you were gone Billy would come back to her. So she paid someone to kidnap and kill you. Billy and Stu went back to their houses quickly to shower change and make sure their parents thought that they were at home. 

But when they returned there was a simple note explaining you had been taken and what would happen to you, so they went to Stu's parents and handed them the note before zooming to call the police and then going out to find you. 

Stu's parents could handle the police, right now they were searching for you. 

Norman Bates:

There was always a fear in Norman that you'd get kidnapped if you went to the grocery store you'd never return, but you always assured him that nothing would happen to you, and usually you were right. But today you were not  right about this. 
A man decided to rob the store and he took 5 hostages. And you were one of them.  Norman himself had never felt so angry. He was so shell shocked with how stupid the authorities were being.

Once they were gone he sped to the warehouse you were. He could not believe that they weren't doing anything. He pulled up, knife tucked into the waistband of his pants.

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