Hes insecure- Yautja

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(Hey all! So I have a few drafts that I want to push out like other '----- is insecure' so those all will be posted soon!)

He's an alien, dear reader so he's bound to feel like he isn't good enough for you, a human.

Let me set the scene for you:

You had begged for him to take you back to earth, and after many many  nights of puppy dog eyes he caved. "You're too cute little one. Isn't that pandemic still going on?" He asked already stressed over you getting the virus. "Treatment for this virus is still vaguely unknow even for my species. Please reconsider?" He begged you gently placing his clawed hands on your delicate shoulders. But quickly retracted them. 'Such delicate shoulders, I could hurt them so easily.'

You giggled and leaned onto his scarred chest. "I know, but you're all very fast learners! I promise I'll be careful and I'll visit you everyday! Pleaseee! I miss my parents!" He caved farther. "Alright, but I can't understand why you want me to come with. Surely it would be better for you to go alone." You gave him a look. "I want you to go, didn't you tell me your species craves a hunt on a new planet?" He purred. You remembered. 

"Fine. What kind of trophy would you like dear one?" He asked to which your shrugged. "I don't care. But you do know you'll have to expand my trophy case when we get home right?" He nodded. "I will as soon as we get home." you nodded smiling widely at the approaching forest. "This is where we met! See?" You happily called grabbing his hand and dragging him over to see the damaged forest floor that held the scars of his old ships crashing. "it is. What a coincidence. So you're only a 15 minute walk from your family home?" You nodded, standing on your tip toes stretching your arms upwards towards his neck. 

He purred and leaned down allowing you to latch onto the tall alien you called your boyfriend. 'Such a small delicate body. I could crush them in my arms like that' he let you, sooner than you'd like, but you let go. "Hey.. is something wrong?" He quickly dismissed it, "No no, just worried, do you have the mask that was advised you wear?" You nodded and pulled out the mask he had made for you. "Specially designed to kill the virus!" He nodded happily and put on his invisibility cloak,  following  you to your parents house.

You had been at your parents house two weeks now and you hadn't had the time to visit him, which made him worry that you'd met a human who could make you happier than him. You could go out with a human boy, you could be seen in public without someone tryin to separate you two. 

He sighed and stared at the skull he had promised you and placed it on the couch you had begged he get for you. He slowly walked to the steering wheel and turn on the ship, silently cloaking and leaving the woods and into the atmosphere. 

Finally after 4 weeks were you ready to leave, you would have left sooner, but you had spent years in deep space. "I'll try and convince my boyfriend to let us visit soon. We're off the grid so I can't call you, but hopefully it won't be another 3 and a half years." You giggled squeezing your parents tighter. "Okay honey, are you sure we couldn't meet him?" Your mom asked, to which you shook your head. Their frowns deepened. "It's okay, we're meeting about 15 minutes from here. I love you guys!" You yelled shutting the front door and running towards the woods with a big smile. You were ready to go home. 

Once you got to where you were expecting to see the ship, but It wasn't there. "Maybe it's invisible?" But it wasn't. He left.? 

Pulling out your communication device he had made for when you got separated. 

Little one- Babe why did you leave? I wasn't on the ship??

Alien Bf- You want to come with me?

Little one- Of course silly! You're kinda stuck with me now. Will you come  get me?? It's getting dark and my parents think I'm with you right now.

Alien Bf-  Of course little one! I'll be there as soon as I can.

It was late at night and the stars shone brightly and glistened as the ship glided down and uncloaked itself. you stood up and ran out of the way and let the door slide open and the stairs unfolded and there in the doorway was your boyfriend.

Once the stairs unfolded he was bounding down the stairs at a speed you had only seen once he was hunting a male who had attempted to throw you out of the ship when you were first adjusting to the ship. 

"Hi handsome!" You giggled as he squeezed you closer. "I'm so sorry I left without you, I just thought that you'd found a human who made you happy."  You pulled your head away from his scaly shoulder. "No! Of course not! My parents didn't leave me alone the whole time! I Tried to Message you, but they wouldn't go through. I'm so sorry baby!" You slumped further into his arms and locked your legs around his torso. 

"Let's go home before some humans try and explore I'm pretty sure at least some saw." He spoke lowly his head now swiveling around  most likely hearing other people. 

"Yeah let's go home."

Once the two of you were on the now cloaked ship, he settled you on the plush couch and dropped onto his right knee. "I present you with this trophy, to prove to you that I am a worthy mate. Please accept this skull."  He said flopping his head forward. You gently took the cleaned skull into your hands. "I accept this trophy and will display it with pride." His head rose and he stood his chest puffed. You giggled and yawed loudly "Okay babe as much as I love this trophy, I'm really tired, my parents were basically watching me in my sleep. Can we put this some where safe and put on auto pilot and cuddle?" He nodded and took the skull from your hands and silently padded to a different room.

While he padded off you grabbed a thick blanket and covered yourself, using your arm as a pillow.  

Your mate walked in and put the ship in auto-pilot. He silently  strided over to you and laid behind you pulling the blanket over him, and you into his grasp. "Sleep well little one." He murmured sleep slowly over taking his large form. 

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