Chapter 1

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"First day?" a fluffy-haired brunette asked as you got on the elevator. You nodded, struggling to balance your supplies.

"Here," he smiled, taking your things. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't have to carry these." You sighed.

Today was your first day of work at Tokyo's most prestigious finance firm and the place was already oozing with testosterone.

You pressed your floor as you felt him stare you down. "Would you look at that," his face lit up. "That's my floor too. You must be one of the newbies! What's your name?"

"Y/N. You?"

"I'm Oikawa Tooru. Half this floor is mine," he said as the elevator doors opened. Your mouth hung open in amazement at how busy things were.

"Hey! Is this one of them?" a man with a messy bedhead walked over to you. "What division?" he asked.

"1," you replied.

"Damn it," Oikawa frowned. "Guess she's yours, Kuroo."

Kuroo stuck his tongue out, mocking his friend. He took your stuff from Oikawa and told you to follow him. These definitely weren't the kind of bosses you were expecting.

"So what's your name, newbie?" Kuroo asked as he set your stuff down in a cubicle, leaning on the desk.

"Y/N," you said nervously.

"We're not gonna get anywhere if you're shy," he smiled. "Holler if you need me, it's not often I meet a cute girl like you."

"Yes sir," you gulped. Why were you acting nervous all of a sudden? You'd dealt with way more intimidating people in the past. You sighed as you started setting up your desk.

"Hey there!" another voice said from behind you. You turned around to see a girl a few years older than you. Now that you thought about it, she was the first girl you'd seen on this floor. "What's your name? You're new, huh?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm Y/N. You?"

"Kyoka. I'm on the other side from division 2. So, what do you think of our bosses?"

"They're a lot more childish than I expected."

"Kuroo and Oikawa are good friends. They act silly but they really do get the job done."

"They're a bit flirty too," you rolled your eyes. This was an office, not exactly a bar where they could pick up girls.

"They've always been workplace flirts," she replied. You sighed, knowing the only way they could only get away with this was because of their good looks and charisma.

It was your first day as a part of your "new life," however, so you figured a little lighthearted flirting could help get your mind off what had recently been going on in your life: a bad breakup, a high-profile court case involving your parents, and an entirely new temporary alias under the witness protection program. The past year of your life fell nothing short of an overly-dramatic movie script and you were eager to return to normalcy now; the last thing you'd want was for a coworker—or worse, your boss—to find out about your past.

You and Kyoka continued talking as she helped you set your things up and left a bit later. You stood and looked around the office when a voice startled you.

"Aren't you gonna get to work?" Kuroo whispered in your ear behind you. You jumped back, startled, falling into his arms.

"I'm really sorry sir," you apologized. "I'll get right to it!"

"That's cute," he laughed. "But you can't work if I haven't told you what to do yet. Sit down and let me help."

You sat down at your chair as Kuroo leaned over you to reach your computer. His arms were on both sides of you as his face brushed against yours. His hair smelled liked the tea tree shampoo you used. You were zoning out when you heard your name being called.

"Y/N?" Kuroo said, flicking your forehead. "I know I'm good looking but at least try to pay attention."

"Not that good looking," you mumbled without realizing, putting a hand over your mouth.

"Oh yeah?"


"Not only am I good looking, I'm charming too. If you're too blind to see that I'll just have to prove it to you," he huffed. What a child, you thought.

"I-I didn't mean it." Seriously, you were just thinking about how funny it would be to humble him when you accidentally blurted it out. "Just show me what to do, boss."

"Ooh, I like being called that," his face lit up.

"Doesn't everyone call you that?"

"But I like when you say it," he gave a sly smile. You sighed as he gave you a walkthrough of what you'd be doing. He got up and waved when he finished.

"I'll win you over, Y/N!" he said as he walked back to his office.

Once he knew you'd be busy working, Kuroo reached for a bottom drawer of his desk, unlocking it with a small key unveiling a thin, concise report within a file folder: your witness protection case.

You didn't know it, but your worst fear had already long been fulfilled. Your boss knew your past even better than you did. That file given to him by the government told him more than he'd ever needed to know about you. But after seeing you and lightly skimming your file, it became clear to Kuroo you weren't trying to mend your past. You just wanted to move on, and that was exactly what he was going to help you do.

What Kuroo didn't expect was how far he'd go to make you happy—and how far he'd fall for you in the process.

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